Chance Meeting (Coruscant - RedZero)

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Aeaolen Kicka

Just a simple man.
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Gazir Hemsar had returned from his trip to the Outer Rim on Ossus. He had been tasked by the Jedi Council with overseeing the removal of a Jedi Master who had contributed poorly to the stature of Padawans at the Ossus Jedi Academy. Hemsar traveled mostly on public transportation, he believed that the Jedi needed to be a visible force within the galaxy and taking public transportation was absolutely key to that. Hemsar, after all, was a Jedi Knight and he believed a peace keeper of the Galactic Alliance. Hemsar stood from his seat, he was sitting next to a Mon Calamari family that had come to Coruscant in order to see their son and nephew enlist in the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces Navy, as his father had done before him. Hemsar stretched briefly before he exited the main passenger area, his legs were tired from sitting, they were also tired from making several passes through the rows of seats when he was prompted by the local transportation authorities. Hemsar had intervened on the behalf of a passenger who was a stow away, Hemsar paid for the young mans ticket.

Hemsar neared the ramp to the lobby near the exit and something uneasy come over him, it was as if someone nearby had something about them that was a cloud, a very dark cloud. Hemsar peered around, he grasped at the feeling but it was fleeting, the presence had moved. Hemsar continued to delve deeper into the force, he wanted to find this presence. Hemsar was like a wolf tracking prey, with the exception being that the prey was not necessarily an enemy but something, a wound. The young Jedi Knight moved quickly through the crowd and spotted something...a Mirulakan. Hemsar probed his own intelligence databanks within his mind for something regarding the race. The only thing that he could come up with was that they were incredibly rare and were naturally force sensitive, something that had long drawn the Jedi Order to recruit from the race. While the entire race was not conscripted into the Jedi Order a large many were. It was common for Jedi to chase down a force sensitive lead only to find one of the galaxies naturally force sensitive species to be the lead.

Hemsar approached the young Mirulakan carefully. "Hello there..."

The young Miralukan was walking through the crowd of people at the station, speaking to one of the protocol droids through his radio.

"Go ahead and get the ship prepped up and ready to go. I will be there in a few minutes."

He was passing by some more people, until his mind began to feel uneasy. He looked around at the other people and creatures that littered the port as the sensation intensified. He suddenly turned around to the sound of someone's voice. He backed away from the individual and realized that all of this sensation that he was experiencing, was coming from this Duros. He spoke up though, trying to understand what the strange sensation in his head was and why it was coming from the individual before him.

"Hello... may I help you sir?"
The Duros was unable to show much emotion, his alien features didn't allow it truth be told. Hemsar did his best to project his calming presence through the force. "I am Jedi Knight Gazir appear to be unsettled young man." Hemsar attempted to caution his tone, he wanted to ensure that the young Mirulakan understood that the Jedi Knight was not in any way attempting to attack him or anything like that. Hemsar noticed something was off about the young man, he was not entirely sure what it was but the man had something still dark hanging over him, it was a cloud and Hemsar was uncomfortable himself. Hemsar continued to monitor the crowd of people, it was in his nature to be vigilant or perhaps that was by his own design, he wanted to remain vigilant. He didnt want trouble but he expected it. This area of Coruscant was well known for low-level crime such as petit larceny and scams. "Is there something that I can assist you with?"
The Miralukan could only look at him, stifling the rage within his mind right now as best as he could try to. Another Jedi Knight... another one that comes into his life. He noticed that the Duros was calm and collected, yet it was hard to read his facial features. The first thing that Allard noticed was how the Jedi Knight's, now known to him as Gazir Hemsar, voice was different from how he sounded when he addressed him. Could it be that this Gazir found out about how he was feeling right now, being here... all the bad memories that came from this planet... and the day that he renounced the Jedi way. He spoke up with caution in his voice as well.

"I am Allard Valentis. Let me just say that I have had a bad experience here in the past... I guess that kind of thing stays on your mind for a long time."
Gazir listened closely, he could hear the tinge of disdain and anger in the young Mirulakan's voice. Hemsar thought to himself that the young man was very angry, almost too angry but he stifled his thoughts. "and what might they be?" Gazir inquisitively asked the young Mirulakan known as "Allard Valentis". Gazir could sense much confusion and a sense of urgency, as if Gazir was interrupting something or perhaps being a bother. "Perhaps this conversation might be better had elsewhere?" Gazir was a Jedi to the max, he was stalwart in his duties and as a Duros, a naturally altruistic people, he used to the force to reach out to those in need. It is what drove Gazir into the arms of the Jedi faction that sought a more...aggressive form of peacekeeping and pushed for a greater alliance with the Galactic Alliance. While Gazir was not exactly a Hothian, he was certainly close to the idea that the Jedi Order needed to seriously consider itself and move in a different direction. Gazir invisibly shook his thoughts again, right now the young force sensitive known as Allard Valentis needed to be his focus.
Allard only sighed as he looked at the questioning Duros. He spoke up, feeling the rage trying to get through, but doing his best to keep it in check.

"It happened a long time ago... I would rather not talk about it."

He looked at the Jedi Knight more, as he began to understand what he was taught back then by his former master. He was pondering about the Duros until he asked if the conversation can be taken elsewhere. He wondered what he could learn and realized that maybe he could get more information out of Gazir. He reached for his radio and spoke into it.

"Actually... keep the ship where it is at... I will come back later on."

He placed the radio back into one of the leather pouches that he had on his belt and then spoke up, "Lead the way."
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Gazir noticed a slight twinge of anger to the mans tone, his choler was barely palpable but it was like an aura around him that Gazir sensed. Despite that, the Duros felt that it was a good idea to potentially learn more about this young man who had stood out in a crowd of so many. Gazir was slowly chaulking it up to the natural force sensitivity that the Mirulakan species possessed. Gazir motion for the young man to follow him to one of the viewing balconies, it overlooked the massive city sprawl of Coruscant, the planet that had been the metaphorical center of the universe. Gazir folded his arms as he approached the large window that was overlooking the slowly setting, Coruscanti sun. "Tell me, what is like not being able to see?" Gazir had wanted to learn himself, not only about this young, angered soul, but he wanted to know more about the force and how Mirulakan's see without physical sight.
The Miralukan followed the Duros to the viewing balcony. The sight that he beheld was a sight of beauty that he never got to see since last time that he was here. He watched as the setting sun gleamed off of the many different buildings and how the city began to light up the dusk sky. He heard Gazir speak to him and decided to answer, feeling a little more at ease with this one, as opposed to the last one.

"Well... it is difficult to really explain... you have to really experience the sensation for yourself. For me... it is a hassle to get around sure, but it's like I can see everything that there is to see without truly seeing. But I have to ask, what is a Jedi doing in Coruscant? I know that there is a Jedi Temple here... but I feel like there is more to it than that."
Gazir was fascinated, he almost had given himself away by asking the idiotic question of: Its beautiful, isn't it? While he understood that Mirulakan's can see via the force, he didn't know if it was precisely the same as seeing with physical sight. Gazir listened to the other man and nodded to himself. Gazir turned to the young Mirulakan when he mentioned Coruscant. "This is the center of the New Jedi Order. The capital of the Galactic Alliance. The rebuilt Jedi Temple is our home now, we no longer hide in hovels or abodes across the galaxy. The defeat of the Sith and the restoration of democracy throughout the galaxy has allowed us to partially restore our role in the galaxy." Gazir was partially taken back by the question, Gazir wasnt sure if Allard was phishing for information or was genuinely unaware of the state of galactic affairs.
Allard saw that the question had left Gazir in a kind of shocked state of mind. It was the kind of question that he could ask, for he had only been to Coruscant once and never came back after the incident. He spoke up with intrigue as he learned more about Coruscant, speaking in a genuinely and curious tone of voice.

"I see... I didn't know that the Jedi were in hiding. Why would they be in hiding in the first place? Would not the Galactic Alliance have need of the Jedi? Or did they feel fine on their own? And the Sith? You mean like evil Jedi or something like that?"
"The Jedi Order is not in hiding, not as it once was during the time of the Galactic Empire." Gazir was slightly enjoying giving a history lesson of the galactic capital, it made him feel as if he was doing his duties as a Jedi Knight by teaching someone. It made him remember that he had not been assigned a Jedi Padawan and the future was not promising for him to receive one. Gazri entered a momentary state of depression but snapped himself out of it. "While a majority of Alliance citizens are supportive of the Jedi, some aren't and we have to walk a fine line between service to the Alliance and understanding the wishes of the citizens of the Alliance. We serve all citizens of the galaxy, but primarily the Galactic Alliance as a whole." Gazir was sure to note that they serve everyone, because they did, a Jedi was not tied to a government, they acted almost independently but none could deny the link between the major galactic government and the Jedi Order.

"The Sith are eradicated!" Gazir's tone rapidly changed, he became angry, his hands clenched into fists. "We crushed them finally. We devastated them! The Jedi did." Gazir calmed himself down, but he had been there. He was there when the Jedi Order finally extended its often open palm of peace and turned that palm of peace into a fist of justice. The Sith had done so much damage to the galaxy and Gazir was not blind to the hate, destruction and violence that the Sith had caused. One of the few things that the Duros hated and genuinely made him angry. "Evil Jedi?--" Gazir chuckled in his callous Duros laugh. "Sort of. The Sith no longer exist...even the Sith we destroyed aren't really "Sith" the "Sith" were a species and the galaxy has adopted the term for the fallen Jedi that fall underneath the plague that is the Dark Side of the Force." The New Jedi Order was no stranger to the dark side of the force, they had faced it time and time again, it was one of the few truths in the galaxy.
"But even if you do serve the Galactic Alliance, I am sure that they would send you to places to try and negotiate with them to become a part of the Alliance.

The moment that Gazir had snapped at the word "Sith", caused Allard to see the true face that a Jedi hides. It was all that he needed to see to understand that there is even hate in a Jedi. He wondered if hatred could ever follow a Jedi, and with this being shown to him, he can safely say that Jedi do indeed carry thoughts of revenge and anger with them. He heard about the dark side of the force but never actually truly experienced it. In his mind though, he did feel something that day, when part of his sight was taken from him. But at the time, he thought that this was just a natural reaction for just about anyone. He spoke up once again.

"Oh, so then, there are none that have survived... but I am sure that there are some that still follow that kind of thinking, no?"
"The role of a Jedi as a diplomat is at this point...what feels to be an ancient role. Jedi do not actively serve at the behest of the Galactic Alliance like that much anymore. At least, not openly." Gazir admitted, it was shameful. He envisioned himself sometimes as a Jedi during the Galactic Republic, serving as a Knight of the Old Republic, ensuring order and actively acting as a General during war. While Gazir did not idolize war or fighting, he understood the galaxy through a realistic lens, something that often conflicted with his Jedi teachings but the New Jedi Order was far different than the Old Jedi Order. "I don't know and if there are any that do they should be hunted down and brought to justice. Those ideals will destroy this already tattered galaxy even more."
Allard could see that the Jedi was not too happy, speaking of the Sith, but it did intrigue the young Miralukan. If he had experienced something like that before, then maybe he could do so again and get a feel for how it truly is to be on that side. He would press on no more as it would seem that the Jedi was more interested in speaking of the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. So, Allard would continue to press on for information about the Light Side of the Force.

"Well then, I am sure that you will do your part in making sure that the Galaxy is safe... But tell me, what makes up the Light Side of the Force? I mean... what does it encapsulate most of all?"
"That is a loaded question." Gazir nodded, his hidden smile was obvious to him. "The Light Side of the Force is about giving, about helping, about regrowth and rebirth. While people often mistake the Light Side of the Force as a..passive side of the force, the Light Side is about defending the innocent, the weak and those that are not willing to take up arms to defend themselves. The Light Side focuses on healing, growth and ensuring that the people of the Galaxy are protected." Gazir was a proponent of the "Light Side as the Defender" which he was in a minority in sometimes, others saw the Light Side as entirely passive, whatever the case may be, the Light Side definitely focused more on defense and protection over offense and destruction.
"Well, that is a lot to digest... but why would you denounce it being as passive? From what you had just described, half of it is passive, while the other half is aggressive. So then, how do you keep yourself from going out of control... or say, allowing it to cloud your mind?"

Allard was confused as to what Gazir was saying. He understood what most of it was, but the thing that he didn't understand was that just a few minutes ago, he was talking about how all Sith must be punished. There was more to the Light Side of the Force than what was being let on. This made him want to learn more of the Light Side's roots and if there were things that were being held intentionally.
"The defense of the innocent, the weak, the helpless isn't aggressive, it is a passive defense of people who cannot defend themselves." Gazir was interested in the young Mirulakan's opinion on the force; it was rare that he had such discussions with people outside of the New Jedi Order. It was possible, remotely possible, that he had found a potential new recruit for the Jedi. The New Jedi Order was different, padawans came in at all different ages, some of them were older, some were younger, some had started within the New Jedi Order as initiates but what meant the most was that they were dedicated to the protection of innocent and the Galactic Alliance's way of life. "It is possible. That is why Jedi fall because they lose sight of what we're here for. A clouded mind isn't always clouded, sometimes its the stress of combat that causes it but a Jedi is not alone, we have fellow Jedi to ensure that we always understanding of our place."
"Other Jedi are to always let one know where they stand? Their mind Isn't always clouded huh? Never alone... is that right?"

As Allard was reciting these words that were being spoken to him, a great seething rage began to form inside of his head as all was laid bare to him. The bandaged side of his face that hid the "accident" began to glow with a bright red glow. He spoke up once again, but this time, he would not hold anything back from this Jedi.

"Where was the Jedi Knight when I needed help? Why was the defense so aggressive toward me? TELL ME RIGHT NOW! I want to know, why I was the only one? I, who just wished to travel the stars and satisfy my wandering by visiting other worlds? Why was I judged before I could truly show what I could do? TELL ME!" The young Miralukan stared into the eyes of Gazir, ready to hear what the Jedi had to say.
Gazir simply folded his arms across his chest and shook his large head slowly. "You have answered your own questions young one." Gazir realized that the young man must've either been an applicant to the New Jedi Order and failed due to his ill temper or for something related to it. Luckily, Gazir was a full Jedi Knight and if push came to shove, could dispatch the young Mirulakan with relative ease, but it would be a spectacle and that was ALWAYS good for the New Jedi Order. "You must understand that not everyone who applies to the Order becomes a Jedi, some are not made to serve the galaxy as defenders of peace. Unfortunately, it appears that your temper has achieved the best of you. You allow your emotions to dictate your actions in place of your actions dictating your emotions and moderating them." Gazir continued his arms folded, he could already tell that the shouting had attract local Coruscant Security Force officers but he briefly waved them off, they stood by, out of sight.
"Hehehe... Once again, a Jedi fails to save me. You know, you are the second one that has done that very thing. When I needed one the most... they were nowhere to be found. You should really get your facts straight Gazir... I wasn't the one who applied... I am the one who quit because of a certain incident that I have laid bare for you."

He said this as he placed his hand over the bandaged part of his head, looking down at the ground in disgust because this Jedi decided to weave a tall tale in their own mind. Allard could only look Gazir in the eyes as he took his hand away from it, before speaking yet again.

"So I propose that you go find a Jedi who came to this planet in a transport ship that came from Alpheridies with three padawans a couple of years ago. I am sure that she would love to tell that story, yet again."

With that said, the young Miralukan turned his back to the Jedi and walked away, back to the port. He said all that was needed to be said, but he also learned more about the Jedi way. Now all that is left to do, is to learn even more about the history of the Order, back to its roots. He grabbed the communicator out of his pocket and radioed whoever was on the other side to start up the ship and be prepared to take off.