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Mar 4, 2006
<I>What are we?</I>

We are the Senna-Jedi. A group of force users that think that the light side and dark side are just ways for people to categorize right and wrong to there own liking. So who do we fight for? We fight for whatever we think is right, if we think that it is right to help the Jedi order in a war, then that is what we?ll do. We?ll help them if we feel it is right, we would do the same for the Sith if we felt that it was right.

<I>Are you light or dark?</I>

Um, neither if you were to translate the word Senna into English from Slavic you would discover that it means shadow. We?re on the edge of light and dark, a twilight if you will. We use both sides of the force, but we don?t focus on hurting people with the dark-side. We use the dark and light as a tool to defend ourselves with.

<I>How do we fight?</I>

Well that depends, you see it depends what you mean.

We only have one capital ship, this ship acts at a temporary Academy

(The <I>Senna-Hope</I>)


Yeah, that?s a pic of the ship. Its about a Kilometer long, large enough for a Academy.

<I>Who do we fight for?</I>

We fight for whatever we think is right.



<div class='signature'><div align=center><img src='http://i648.photobucket.com/albums/uu201/WOLFphoto/BAMFSmall.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

Subject Six

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The Warrior-Scholar<i></i>

Liam Iblis - Coming Soon

The Admiral<i></i>

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