Private (Factional) Flashing the Pan

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Jedi Order
Galactic Empire
Mandalorian Clans
Jul 20, 2019
Within the Bastion, Ossus

Particularly, a large expanse flowed all about in every direction from the form of the female a mixture of purest white and crimson hues with ovaloid section of wall missing and replaced with transparisteel, divulging the verdant green vistas without to the eye of the beholder within. The chamber, approximately fourty meters and length and width with a roof fifty meters talls was part of the Bastion's training hall and was made primarily of white with the roof consisting of red and blue embellishments. Within the chamber, the sense of gravity was slightly askew giving the impression that force was being impelled upon the one or ones within, however on this particular afternoon it was Lady Talia Raihart that had sought to use the space to begin further learning into the skills which would be expected required of her to further into the future become recognized for her achievements and elevated to the rank of Master perhaps even to the Council of First Knowledge however that was neither here nor there at the moment. Instead, relying upon spoken word of mouth writ to datapad from MAster Seryth Essora rest his soul and Master Plo Koon once upon a time, she would now begin the extensive, difficult regimen to train in the power of Force Suppression. The woman stood as six feet and three inches with robes of dark amber and bright manilla hues worn about her and clasped within a torc (belt) of retea titanium alongside bangles of the same material. Her figure while beautiful in many ways also revealed physical strength from training with an athletic physique. Paired with sharp, light blue eyes as well were silken tresses of the lightest white currently pulled into two beads and a ponytail. Sweat flowed down the manubrium after the workout routine she had put her body through.

Bringing posture to a cross-legged sitting position, the female tightly shut her eyes and instead focused on the currents of energy permeating all life, known as 'The Force'. Opening her minds-eye, Talia attempted to reach out and grasp with proverbial hand and draw the lifeblood energy into herself not in the usual stints that she would absorb the force to perform a power - no, she was seekling to imbibe the life-blood and become one with it in turn however as of the moment seemed to have problems even reaching for it with her will. This would be due to the fact that she had been taught to take in the force momentarily like a vacuum to empower, however that simply would not fit the purpose of the force power inscribed upon her datapad. So, Talia attempted to recall the exact feelings down to minute details that she felt when utilizing Force Valor to instill the force into her comrades. Categorically, she memorized every detail of the sensation and then attempted to replicate the same process for herself.

The first attempt to do so, however, ended in failure. Sweat continued to bead down the face of the Jedi Knight in deep concentration. Once again recalling the memory in full detail, Talia attempted to will the force into herself. Reaching out and grasping the force with her mind, but the force wouldn't allow her to grasp it in such ways. Talia attempted to approach the problem from a new angle. What if she wasn't meant to grab the force but rather to... open herslf to the force? It was worth a try at the very least. The female stretched her arms out and this time instead of attempting to grab the tendril of the force, she remained still and made herself available to the force - enforcing her will that she was ready and open for the force to enter into her life. And so the force bent, curled, moved... swayed and synced with her mind and will. Another beadlet of sweat formed on the female's face while focusing on holding that connection for as long as possible. She then released the force from her grasp and attempted to perform the task again. Talia opened herself up to the force and the force answered. She had never truly taken the time to become a part of the living force before, it felt... enervating.