Private {Eta-10} Minutes out

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Damion Dorian

Jedi Order
Feb 24, 2023
In the Expansion region a few jumps away from the major ships yards at Billbringi

One modified Acclamator dedicated to the R&D department of the established New Republic, escorted by three arquiten borrowed from the NR navy.

The Acclamator held all the data, blueprints, simulated data, and many other technologies and instruments that would be used to dictate, and examine the tests that were go on very soon, In this ship instead of many troops, and officers were scientist, all mostly experts in weapons and other similar materials related to war. The ship itself had most of its weapons, and armor stripped down.

Two of the three Arquiten escorts were nothing to special. But the 3rd carried new Eta-10's, which would the be the primary subject of todays final testing.
Simulations showed that this would be the successor to the Jedi starfighter during the clone wars, and would become the primary fighter for All jedi if test were to go well.

So far two jedi pilots have been asked to provided tests for the Eta-10.

Jedi Knight Damion Dorian.
And Jedi Knight Kylar Thrane.

Today the tests would be simple. The two Pilots would fly with pilots sent out from the other ships and would compete in tests with the other ships that were already mainstays of the NR Navy.

First would be the test of Speed, where all pilots would do their best to kick there fighters into the fastest they could go
Next would be a test of maneuverability, Where pilots would navigate thought a large asteroid belt.
And Finally would be the test of destruction. This phase would be a little different. All ships would back away from the test, except the Eta-10, due to the mass amount of combat data for all the other ships,

The Two Jedi pilots would need to take out 3 squads of training droids to complete the test.

Damion was currently looking over the ships in the hanger, as he was quite a fan of the Eta Brand of starfighters. He was not allowed to touch his already chosen ship until the tests were to start. He could not wait to fly one of these, for he heard it would be an extremely fast ship. Speed being something he loved.