Choice of Damnations

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Arden Marr

Apr 5, 2015
The neon streets of Nar Shaddaa were pure sensory overload.

Thrumming with life, Arden often struggled to keep her wits about her when work necessitated an audience with her limacine patrons, as if the current of emotion - of wanting, of pain, of life itself - could somehow knock her off her feet and drag her to her knees. They had trained her for it, of course; what use was an easily-distracted Jedi? But lessons learned in a desert wasteland were difficult to apply in a city that seemed to grow exponentially every time she turned away, it's millions of denizens a faceless, writhing mass equally alive in the Force but utterly dead to it's call.

She didn't like spending time on the Smuggler's Moon. And she certainly didn't call it home.

Hands buried deep in the pockets of her coat, the former Jedi kept her head down as she walked, feet familiar with the route that would take her away from the Mezenti Spaceport and into Hutta Town - home of the Grakks, and the Hutt she was scheduled to meet. A quick check of the chronometer on her wrist confirmed she was on time: their appointment was thirty minutes away, and her hurried pace would ensure she made it in fifteen. Her employer was a punctual creature, and the last thing she intended to do was burden herself with another thousand-something credits of debt for any disrespect, perceived or otherwise.

If only the Jedi had fined their students for talking back, too.

Passing through one of hundreds of night markets that crowded the city streets, Arden focused her gaze on the path in front of her. Work was hell. It wasn't glamorous, it wasn't easy, it wasn't fun. But it gave her a place to stay - if one counted their ship as home - and kept her from going hungry. More importantly, traveling the trade routes gave her a sense of freedom she had never experienced before renouncing her former path; being able to make the jump to lightspeed and wind up somewhere completely new was still something of a novelty, even after a decade spent ferrying cargo for unscrupulous slugs. They liked her, she was pretty sure, but Arden knew well enough that a Hutt's favor was hardly immutable. One mistake too many and they'd feed her to the rancors - or worse, she imagined, even if she wasn't entirely sure what worse could realistically be.

A sudden bump to her side was enough to make her tense up, pausing briefly. Deep in her pockets, her hand gripped the weathered hilt of her lightsaber. It was a relic - when was the last time she'd ignited the blade, even to admire it's glow? - but a comfort nonetheless. It set her apart from the rank and file, marking her unmistakably for what she once was.

Certain there was no danger, no curious digits seeking her wallet or the blaster at her hip, Arden exhaled a tense breath and continued on.

Jogging up the steps to the Hutt's palace - a massive, brutalistic structure housing any number of horrors - she relinquished her blaster and crossed the threshold, pace slowing as she navigated the labyrinthine halls. A familiar face gave her pause - that of a blue-skinned Twi'lek, scantily clad - and though she raised a hand in greeting, the woman turned away. A hint of worry, sharp and sour, accompanied their meeting - what was she hiding?

Regardless, Arden pushed forward. The guards to Grakkus' sanctum seemed uninterested as she passed through, making a point of closing the blast door in her wake.

Something was wrong.

Swallowing hard, there was no time to speak before the Hutt turned, his attention fully upon her from his throne.

« Ah, there she is, » the Hutt began, feigning affection in his native tongue. Arms opened wide as if to embrace her from afar, his smile snapped quickly into a frown, expression quietly furious. « My favorite little liar. »

Arden blinked. Her body felt cold, and he hadn't even accused her of anything yet. It was a creeping frost, as though someone had dragged their boots over her grave, and utterly unlike anything she had felt before.

« You've made a fool out of me, Shae. » The Hutt swiveled his head, massive eyes unblinking as he regarded her. « I took you in when no one else would. Gave you a ship. Sent you among the stars. And today, I find out the truth. »

Pausing, the Hutt cast his eyes downward. As if mourning their partnership, without saying another word.

« I know who you are, Shae Deckard. » There was a venom on his tongue that was impossible to place. Arden couldn't help but feel sick - everything had come crashing down so suddenly. But how? Had she really been so careless?

« Or should I say, Arden Marr? »


Taking in a slow breath, the dark haired woman folded her arms over her chest, regarding her employer with a steely glare. Head cocked slightly to the side, she gave it a small shake, trying her best to not let her terror get the best of her.

Speaking slowly, she offered the only rebuttal that sprang to mind. "I have no idea what the hell you're on about."
The presence of an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer was an imposing sight above any world but the presence of three was the sign of trouble. High Inquisitor Aeaolen Kicka stood with his hands folded behind his back aboard the bridge of the Rapax, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer that had served as his flagship. The months following the Battle of Endor were tumultuous at best, chaos at the absolute worst. Task Force “Dark Hammer”, Aeaolen’s personal component of Vengeance Squadron had been a scourge on the galaxy when it came to Imperial traitors and betrayers.

Task Force “Dark Hammer” has engaged no less then 20 different breakaway Imperial “Warlords” over the 6 months following the Battle of Endor. All them had successful been brought into compliance but his contacts on Nar Shadda had something different. They had a Jedi or at least what they thought was a Jedi. Aeaolen had immediately arrived with his two most veteran Imperial II-Star Destroyers the Fist of the Empire and the Dark Empire. The crew on the Fist of the Empire and the Dark Empire were hand picked by Aeaolen and were his most loyal followers.

The galaxy was in shambles. Grand Vizier Mas Amedda has been barely holding the Empire together. Assaults and turncoats had torn large parts of the galaxy away from the Galactic Empire and over to the New Republic. The Core and Inner Rim had remained firmly Imperial as they benefited the most from the Empire but the Outer Rim and Expansion Region and parts of the Mid Rim had gone over to the New Republic. A rising Hutt Cartel had almost retaken Hutt Space from their Imperial Overlords but understood that Imperial Credits still worked and basically bought the Empire out of Hutt Space...what little presence they had there. The Corporate Sector Authority saw large chunks of Imperial financiers and business officials seek asylum there and it was granted. Hapes, a new makeshift Mandalorian Confederation was formed without a Mandalore for decades and another dozen smaller galactic governments had formed. Some of them tagged on with the New Republic while others remained neutral.

The Lambda-class shuttle touched down with a squad of 10 black armored stormtroopers, they were elite stormtroopers of the Imperial Inquisition. They’re black armor emblazoned with the Imperial symbol on each shoulder. Aeaolen was at the front. The personal palace of Grakkus the Hutt, a gregarious Hutt who runs a petty crime syndicate had relayed to Imperial Intelligence that they had encountered someone else. Aeaolen dispatched an Inquisitor and eventually they learned the identity of the person claiming to be Shae Deckard. She was actually Arden Marr, a former Jedi Padawan. Aeaolen had nearly a dozen full Inquisitors assigned to him, including several Apprentice Inquisitors and his Chief Inquisitor Austbran Ecclspi. Aeaolen had worked alongside his staff for several years now and had formed a close bond with them. It was only Chief Inquisitor Ecclspi who had almost broken ranks when Aeaolen was scolded by the Emperor for his relentless pursuit of Sith and the Dark Side. Aeaolen knew someday it come to an impasse between them and Master would have to end Apprentice.

Aeaolen watched from a side room as the Hutt questioned the woman. “He might not know what he’s talking about...but I do.” Aeaolen stepped from the shadows, a rarity for Aeaolen who tended to be more blunt and overt in his approach. Aeaolen was joined by several Imperial Inquisition Stormtroopers who raised their E-11 blaster rifles at the woman. “Jedi Padawan Arden Marr.” Aeaolen, hands folded his back, walked circles around the girl. “It’s my pleasure to meet you finally.” Aeaolen stopped behind the woman. “You’ve remained hidden for us for quite sometime but luckily I’ve been assigned to hunt the rest of the fallen Jedi.” Aeaolen was eyeing the woman. She was going to react one of two ways; fight or flight...freezing wasn’t an option.

Aeaolen’s presence was tantalizing at best. While Aeaolen had full given himself over to the Dark Side he began to immerse himself deeper and deeper since the death of the Emperor. What else was there? The Empire was not his home, after all, force sensitives were shunned and made illegal in the Empire. He somewhat envied his role as a former Jedi, where being a force user was something to be applauded and people celebrated him. Aeaolen washed the thoughts from his mind and he focused on former Jedi Arden Marr standing in front of him.

@Arden Marr
Deep down, every fugitive knew they were running on borrowed time.

No matter how stubborn, how full of themselves, how convinced of their righteousness they happened to be, no one could be both smart and lucky forever. Arden knew that deep down, the Empire would find her someday. There would be no bargaining, no appealing to whatever humanity lurked behind the masked faces sent to deliver her to justice, only an end that might be as mercifully quick and painless as one could hope to receive.

Her seemingly inevitable death at the hands of the Empire was a moment that weighed heavily on her mind. She thought of it often: where she might be when it happened, whether it would be by firing squad or a vibroblade in the back. Sometimes, Arden imagined it would be Darth Vader himself cutting her in twain, splitting her useless body into perfect halves and releasing her from a miserable life that hardly seemed like her own. Death wasn't a fantasy; it was a familiar memory, replayed hundreds of times in the hazy, liminal spaces between sleep and wakefulness.

Aeaolen's presence was a grim harbringer; his words turned her blood into ice, her bones into steel. It was impossible to feel anything but numb in the face of near-certain death, and it was all she could do to stand there, chin held high, lips pressed into a thin line. Beneath her cool exterior, the former Jedi was terrified - who wouldn't be? - but accepting of her fate. She was going to die.

She was going to die because some stranger thought she would be a good soldier for the Jedi Order. It wasn't even a decision she'd made for herself, and yet, the consequences were still hers to bear. It was infuriating, it was unfair, but it was impossible to change the past; and now, it seemed equally unlikely that she could change her destiny.

Lips parting to speak, Arden hesitated. There was quite a lot she wanted to say - most of it vulgar enough to make any spacer's ears start to bleed - but the words that left her lips were somehow more controlled, a testament to the stubborn strength of her will.

"Knight, actually," she stated, straightening her posture. Slowly, her hands sunk into her jacket pockets, back where they belonged. The promotion had been.. well, sort of unofficial, but who was she to argue with her master's dying breath? A contrarian to the last, even Arden realized there was an irony in being so pedantic about titles when she couldn't care less about the fallen Jedi Order. Perhaps it was an attempt to scrounge up some respect - from either the stranger or her traitorous boss - in her last moments left alive.

Slowly, the edges of her mouth tilted upwards, the ghost of a grin touching her features. "Turns out a few dead Inquisitors is enough to get anyone promoted." Green eyes scanning the blasters poised to take her out at a moment's notice, she lamented the loss of her pistol, still brand new, barely even paid for.

The next time she spoke, the humor had left her voice. "What do you want?" Her left hand, hidden in her coat, curled slowly around the smooth metal hilt of her lightsaber. Arden knew damn well she wouldn't make it out alive, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to at least try.
Aeaolen felt the young woman's body shift and wain as the fear plunged to the deepest recesses of her psyche. Every manner of fear, terror, haunting was coursing through the Jedi Knight's veins and pumping into her heart. "Ah fear...yes. It is a powerful weapon." Aeaolen paused, taking a slight sigh. "Nobody ever expects the Imperial Inquisition." Aeaolen remained behind Arden Marr, hands still clasped behind his back. He could feel the Force swirling around the woman. She was powerful...more powerful then the reports of failed...Inquisitors...if they could be called that truthfully, had reported. Aeaolen nodded to himself. She could be useful. Aeaolen's thoughts were his own but he knew that the future of the Galactic Empire was changing. He knew it. The galaxy knew it.

Aeaolen had served the Empire faithfully for several years and in someways had served as one of the leading Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars advancing the Empires interest without even knowing it. Aeaolen had taken to his role as High Inquisitor seriously, he had trained daily and had formed a bond with his fellow Inquisitors that was second to none. Aeaolen was far from the most powerful Dark Jedi but he was certainly not a push over and his few training sessions with Emperor Palpatine had pushed him far beyond what anyone else had. Aeaolen was not necessarily a master of the force as the Sith Inquisitors of old or even the greatest Sith Lords but Aeaolen was a sound lightsaber combatant and was a master of turning ones emotions against them. Aeaolen wouldn't say he was proficient at torture but he was proficient at motivating those whom he wished to see things his way.

Aeaolen eyed the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers that stood, aiming down at the Jedi. Aeaolen marveled at Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. They were the most fiercely loyal Stormtroopers in all the Empire. Dedicated. Strong. Combat masters. More importantly, they were firmly loyal to the one who spent time training them. Inquisitorial Stormtroopers were usually trained out of makeshift academies aboard Imperial-class Star Destroyers, these were no different. Aeaolen personally instructed them in the ways of sword combat, mostly from his knowledge of lightsaber combat, he borrowed the best and brightest Storm Commando instructors and had them train his personal legion of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. Imperial Special Mission Troopers, Imperial Shadow Troopers, Imperial Naval Commandos, etc. They were all requisitioned by High Inquisitor Aeaolen Kicka to ensure that his Inquisitorial Stormtrooper Legion was proficient and triumphal killing machines.

"What do I want?" Aeaolen had found himself walking, pacing back and forth behind Arden Marr. "I had originally come here to kill you if I am being honest." Aeaolen had, he wasn't lying. He was here to dispatch enemies of the Emperor...or rather the Empire, as it had no Emperor anymore. "...I however have changed my mind." Aeaolen paused, standing diagonal from the woman and he continued to eye her. He sensed danger, he sensed that she was plotting. "Do you wish to strike me Jedi Knight Arden Marr?" Aeaolen questioned the young woman. If he could bend her, if he could break her to his will...he could use her. She would make a fine apprentice.

[mention]Arden Marr[/mention]
There was no point in being afraid. She was going to die. It was probably going to hurt.

Arden tried to convince herself that the terror welling inside her lithe form was purely biological - as though her body, on pure instinct alone, could somehow fight against the inexorable truth as it's executor paced around the Hutt's royal quarters. This man, whoever he was, had descended upon Nar Shaddaa with every intention of ending her life - and who was she, in the face of such opposition, to try and stop him? His identity was a mystery, his origins equally unclear, but she could feel the power and respect he commanded. Even if she could deflect and dodge her way through a hail of blaster fire, Arden knew she didn't stand much of a chance against the man before her.

And yet, she still refused to lay down and die, despite knowing full well there was little else to be done. Was it any wonder she had been such a conflicted soul? Intensely pragmatic, but stubbornly defiant beyond belief - what exactly had the Jedi hoped to accomplish with her?

It took every ounce of self control to stay put, to stand tall as Aeaolen paced, slipping in and out of view. Though her eyes scanned him as he passed, the former Jedi didn't dare turn her head. If he was going to strike her, he was going to do so regardless of whether or not she could see him. With any luck, it would be a decisive blow: a painless cut to perfect darkness, after which nothing else truly mattered. But it wasn't meant to be: after a moment, Aeaolen appeared before her once more and his words confirmed the creeping suspicion that had slowly blossomed into a full-on realization.

He was toying with her.

Like a Loth-cat swatting at it's prey as it slowly expired, Aeaolen was teasing her - offering her a glimmer of hope, no doubt to make the moment all the sweeter when he ripped it away. No doubt a cruel stroke, but Arden couldn't claim she wouldn't be tempted to do the same. Exhaling, her nostrils flared, head shaking as she spoke. "No."

Arden kept her eyes on the figure before her. He seemed so tall, so imposing - a grim monolith come to life. Slowly, she pulled her hands from her jacket. The right was empty, a clenched fist concealing nothing. Her left revealed the weathered hilt of her lightsaber, a seemingly ancient relic from a lifetime long since passed. It felt strange to hold it again, not with the idle grip of a paranoid spacer but with true intent, even though her finger strayed from the edge of the flush activation switch.

"But I don't want to die, either." For a split second, her voice faltered and betrayed the desperation behind her resolve. Taking a half step forward, Arden assumed a stance that felt all at once familiar and foreign, blade held at the ready, body poised to explode with movement. On cue, her thumb ran across the activation switch, unleashing the golden blade of her lightsaber.

She was going to die, and that was okay - just so long as she put up a fight beforehand.

[mention]Aeaolen Kicka[/mention]
Aeaolen's veins pumped a toxic adrenaline into his system when the subtle hum of the lightsaber flicked to life before his eyes. It was a rush as if reigns strapped to the bridge of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer full speed ahead and ramming into a sun. The euphoria of the moment was not lost on Aeaolen as he smiled and nodded. "Fantastic." Aeaolen waived a hand off to the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers as they fanned out across the room, pushing and making their way through the thugs and criminals who had joined in audience with the auspicious moment that was going to take place. Some troopers elbowed and beat down observers as they blocked off the exits to the rather simple, but marvelous chamber of the Hutt slug sitting behind Aeaolen.

Aeaolen, clad in maroon, black and grey colored zeyd-cloth, the hallmark of Imperial Inquisitors and not the childish armored suits that had been granted to Apprentice Inquisitors to reinforce their "unity" with each other. No, Aeaolen preferred the simple clothing that allowed him his movement...the time would come when the galaxy would see armored Dark Jedi, but that time was not today. Aeaolen moved his hands ever so slightly and the electrum lightsaber detached from his right hip and gently landed into his hands. The curve of the silver and gold lightsaber was another euphoric feeling, it was almost as if Aeaolen was dancing among the stars as he found himself slowly side stepping the young woman.

Aeaolen was modest but he was a damn fine lightsaber duelist. It was rare that he got to practice his skills on a live opponent, fellow Inquisitors rarely provided the rush of passion and emotion that came with an opponent that was trying to kill you. No, that feeling was utterly unequivocal. "I do not expect you to die without a fight. That would be tremendously disappointing." As Aeaolen pushed away the surging euphoric feelings of combat and destruction he began to feel a choler rising in his chest. Ah...yes...there it was. Aeaolen ignited his lightsaber, the drumming anger swelling more and more in his body. Aeaolen flashed a wicked smile and closed his eyes for a split second before opening them and returning his gaze to Arden Marr.

Aeaolen stood and his training and passion surged to the surface, he dropped into the opening stance of Form VII. His lighsaber, held in his right hand overhead tip pointed at Arden, his left hand held across his body and down. Aeaolen couldn't help but smile. From the opening Form VII stance Aeaolen conducted what was known as "Vornskr's Ferocity", a salvo of strikes with passion and the Dark Side fueling each motion of the lightsaber. Aeaolen struck to the right side, the left side, a lunging strike as he stepped back temporarily and then a lunging strike as he stepped forward again, he then crossed his lightsaber over his left arm striking at the right side of his opponent, quickly followed up with a two-handed reverse towards his opponents right side.

[mention]Arden Marr[/mention]
In an instant, Arden found herself back on Jedha. Back in the catacombs. A Padawan again.

She remembered the distinct sensation of a lightsaber clasped between her fists, of the way her old master looked at her with a mixture of worry and frustration as she launched herself at him, a tempest of blows intent on tearing him limb from limb. The Zabrak sensed a truth that Arden dared not speak: she hated him. She wanted him dead. In time, the clash of their blades eventually gave her away, the scent of burning ozone and singed dirt leaving a sour taste born of her resentments. She was a prisoner. He was her jailer. It was a wonder she didn't kill him to set herself free.

But Aeaolen wasn't her master. He was enjoying this.

And deep down, so was she. Like dark storm on the horizon, Arden felt her fear give way to a soft, sublime rage, born of every missed opportunity, every childhood milestone the Jedi had taken from her. They never asked what she wanted; they simply took what they needed from her, treated her like some kind of burden, left her to die on a blown-out moon that could barely keep itself in orbit after the Empire nearly erased it from the sky. Dumping her on Jedha had been a betrayal, plain and simple. A sign of how little they cared for those who weren't a part of the war machine.

The slow, even pace of her breathing began to quicken, pulse rising to meet the anger as it simmered through her veins. Her icy limbs felt alive, glowing and radiant, full of potential. Full of power.

Aeaolen gloated. She said nothing. Instead, Arden relished in the feeling of being connected not only to the Force, but herself - to unearthing the emotions buried by decades of being told her humanity was some sort of weakness. Passion fueled her movements, it raised her blade to parry his opening aggression and allowed her to move with all the quickness one would expect of someone who practiced such an acrobatic form. There were no thoughts to cloud her mind, only action: the Hutt's palace had become a playground, one that allowed Arden a wide enough berth to narrowly avoid the fiery strikes that seemed to rain down from all angles.

She was lone starfighter against the might of a Star Destroyer: perpetually swooping out of the path of fatal blows, lunging forward to attempt to get a hit in, perhaps two. Her advantages were few and far between, but none went unpressed. For a learner - and one who had been out of practice for so long - her form was near immaculate, lacking in the power required to crash through his defenses but certainly agile enough to entertain the notion of tiring him.

[mention]Aeaolen Kicka[/mention]
"I can sense your turmoil...your emotions rupturing to the surface. Give into them!" Aeaolen bellowed as he parried a lunge, then another. He back stepped with grace as he parried the first lunge down and to the left and then the second down and to the right. Aeaolen was slightly impressed...this girl was the first to provide a fight in a long time. Aeaolen had faced down several dozen Jedi, he was an accomplished Jedi hunter and rarely did they put up a fight. Aeaolen also remembered several Jedi just willingly being struck down but that was neither here nor there. Aeaolen continued another heavy strike over the top and then quickly stepped to the side and with both precision and furry rained blows to the left, above and to the right.

Form VII was about power, it was about giving into the passion of fighting and passion of the combat situation. Aeaolen was no stranger to enthralling himself with the passion of combat. While Aeaolen was a former Jedi Knight himself he could never hide his excitement for combat, that was something he was often mentored on by his master. Combat, the passion and chaos of it all excited him. It was of little surprised when Inquisitors tracked down Aeaolen and forced his fall to the Dark Side that the fall was barely resisted upon. Aeaolen had been tempted to weaken Arden with the Force but that would spoil the kill, that would not be fair to such a young Jedi.

Aeaolen continued his ferocious attacks, battering her lightsaber with one attack after another. Aeaolen had begun to use the force by pushing body further and further, his muscles flowed with an invisible liquid that had supplemented his adrenaline. It was this warm, rushing feeling that further dazzled Aeaolen into euphoric combat. He revelled in its warmth. He revelled in the feeling of emotion surging underneath his skin. "You know you cannot beat me..." Aeaolen crashed his lightsaber down into hers. "You know that you either surrender or die..." Aeaolen continued his ferocious assault on the poor little Jedi.

[mention]Arden Marr[/mention]
Though they were opposites, Arden and Aeaolen shared a certain kinship nonetheless: they both relished in the physicality of battle, in the rush of knowing one mistake, one misstep could result in unfathomable agony or worse - defeat.

It was an indulgence her master so rarely afforded her. He was more concerned with reflection, with meditation; with ruminating on the nature of the Force, rather than bending it to one's will. The Zabrak always seemed to take umbrage with her attitude toward the gifts they had been given, but with no Council to expel her or send her to the Temple for discipline, he had been unable to change her way of thinking. And though he rarely allowed her the opportunity to test her burgeoning abilities against another Jedi, the remains of Jedha were not without inhabitants who had little choice in whether or not they met an end by her blade.

What scared him was her aggressiveness - and the fact she seemed unconcerned with being hit. Davo refused to facilitate her seemingly inevitable shift to the Dark Side, and though his intentions were noble it was his reluctance to teach that compounded the anger and frustration that drove her further down that perilous path. As their blades met, Arden wanted the world around them to burn. She wanted the Hutt and his cronies to feel the white hot sun that was the Force turn them into cinders, into ash. Outwardly, she was a mess - hair wild, skin slicked with sweat, and a faint smudge of blood beneath her nose indicated just how difficult it was, mentally, for her to channel the energy to oppose him - but inside, she'd never felt more alive.

Once more, their blades clashed. It was an endless cycle, brute strength slamming into her defenses, wearing her down. When their sabers locked, Arden could feel her arms shaking, struggling to keep him at bay. Pushing against him with all the strength she could muster, the young Jedi could feel her footing give way, hands tightening around the hilt of her saber in an attempt to compensate somehow. Cringing, she attempted to step aside - raising her saber just enough to give her an opening to slip through - only to find the weapon sliding from her grasp as she narrowly removed herself from the blazing red path of Aeaolen's lightsaber.

Catching her balance with a few quick steps back, Arden watched as the weathered cylinder rolled further out of reach, practically wedging itself beneath the man's boot. She wanted, desperately, to reach out and will it back into her possession, but fatigue had already claimed her limbs. Exhaustion shackled her in place, chest heaving as she struggled to stabilize her breathing. Reaching a hand up to wipe her lip, unconcerned with the sweat and the blood that stained her sleeve, Arden considered her options.

None of them seemed particularly appealing.

But his words resonated with her. He'd come to end her life, but changed his mind - why?

Every breath was agonizing. Sharp and hot, she wondered if her heart might ever learn how to beat normally again, assuming he didn't just kill her where she stood. Spitting a mouthful of red onto the palace floor, Arden turned her head. She surveyed the crowd, their horrified faces, and wondered how the hell her life had come to this point.

"So. What now?"

[mention]Aeaolen Kicka[/mention]
Aeaolen found himself panting and his own chest heaving; despite his peak physical condition and the support of the Dark Side flowing through his body. Aeaolen stopped as the young Jedi backed away and Aeaolen stood, lightsaber held in his right hand, his grip firmly around the hilt of the lightsaber and his knuckles white from holding onto the blade so tightly during his fury of blows. He yelled at himself that he had to hold the blade lighter and be more fluid. Despite the fact that Aeaolen bore the lofty title of "High Inquisitor" it doesn't mean that he was above learning and that was something that he did not want to ever stop. Aeaolen enjoyed the journey of knowledge, he enjoyed learning about the Force and combat in general.

Aeaolen peered quickly around the room, a small nod and his Inquisitorial Stormtroopers raised their blasters towards the lone Jedi in the middle of the room. Aeaolen's nod had been brief, the smallest nod possible and his men underneath his command understood what he meant. Perhaps they understood what he meant but perhaps it had also been all ordained beforehand, perhaps it was in Aeaolen's nature to share a plan with his fellow soldiers to ensure that they knew what they were doing. Aeaolen had know, what nobody else had known was that several more squads of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers were en route and had begun making their way through the palace. Aeaolen had a plan, oh yes he did.

"So. What now?" Arden's voice broke Aeaolen's own mental train of thought. It was as if someone had slammed the breaks on a massive cargo train. Aeaolen shook his head and he nodded again. This time the nod was directed at an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper with a white pauldron over his right shoulder. The black armored Inquisitorial Stormtrooper nodded and fired his blaster. His blaster landed directly next to a thug standing next to Grakkus the Hutt. Successive blaster shots landed across the room, simultaneously as Aeaolen approached the Jedi, another two squads of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers rushed into the room and quickly overwhelmed the hired thugs and patrons in the room. Those that were not shot were cuffed and formed into lines after being searched by Aeaolen's troopers.

"I sense a deep conflict within you Arden Marr and I believe that if you give into that conflict...we can accomplish a great many things." Aeaolen deactivated his lightsaber, confident in his distance and ability to re-ignite it and start the fight all over again. "I am confident that if you wish to lash out and strike me will be disappointed in the results." Aeaolen placed his lightsaber back on the clip on his belt, located on his right hip. The electrum hilt hung and shined in the yellow-green light of Grakkus' throne room. Aeaolen turned his head to see a black armored, red pauldron wearing Inquisitorial Stormtrooper enter into the room. "Commander take the Hutt to my flagship." Aeaolen nodded at the Stormtrooper Commander and the commander nodded back, the Hutt protesting in his guttural tongue to which Aeaolen did not personally understand.

Aeaolen turned his gaze back to the young Jedi. "Well...your decision?"

[mention]Arden Marr[/mention]
For a moment that felt like an eternity, Arden tried to focus on her breathing. Every intake seared her lungs, shot pain through her limbs as though the air in the Hutt's chambers had been replaced with imperceptibly small blades, but she persisted. Her heart would fall into line eventually, if she kept at it. Her body would relax, no longer poised to fend off an impossible foe, and even if she died - a fate that seemed less and less likely as time passed - she would do so as a person, as a human being, and not some terrified animal in the midst of fighting for it's life.

Aeaolen's slight movements and machinations were not entirely lost on her. The movements were subtle, but her attention had been wholly on him since his appearance. Even though they were no longer locking sabers, it seemed foolish to turn herself away and consider the Hutt, or his concubines, or even the troopers lined up at the edges of the room. They were all dangerous, sure, but Aeaolen was the one who commanded them, and knowing he was a capable combatant was all the more reason to keep her eyes focused on him and him alone.

For all her internal conflict, it was the stranger's words that struck a chord with her. The Jedi had taken her as a child, removed her from her home, forced her to fall in line to their beliefs. They never asked her what she wanted, never gave her the chance to fully grasp the consequences of what it meant to be a Jedi. And how could they? She had been so young - would their words have made a difference if they tried to warn her?

The opportunity Aeaolen presented was grim: join or die. But it was the Jedi who had put her on the path to such a decision, and despite her frustration, despite her anger, Arden was deeply appreciative of the simple fact that fate, or the Force, at least saw fit to give her the chance to choose her destiny this time. The Jedi had robbed her of her childhood, of her family. They erased any chance of a normal life, imprisoning her on a desert moon as the galaxy crumbled. Arden wasn't sure if they deserved to be punished for what they did to her, but she was utterly certain that she refused to suffer for their decisions a moment longer.

Exhaling a long, slow sigh, she extended her hand. Gently, the former Jedi immersed herself in the Force enough to coax the hilt of her lightsaber back to her palm, finding comfort in the heft of it for the first time in ages. Nodding, she didn't smile but her expression softened somewhat, accepting the fate that had arrived so suddenly before her.

"When do we start?"
"We already have." Aeaolen turned his back to the Jedi and began walking away from her. Aeaolen was confident that the girl was searching for something...something that felt like freedom. Jedi understood that complexity of being a Jedi and the fact that the Jedi often ripped people from their homes, from their families and didn't allow them to go back because, as they simply put it: "It was against the Jedi code." Aeaolen didn't have those restraints with the Dark Side...he didn't have those strengths with the Sith teachings. As Aeaolen approached the rather large doorway to break the plain to the landing dock that sat just outside the Hutt's opulent throne room, Aeaolen made a "follow" motion with his left hand.

Aeaolen began talking to the young woman as they approached the Lambda-class shuttle that had awaited them. As Aeaolend departed the room his personal squad of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers had followed him. 10 black armored soldiers had understood that their Lord was leaving and that it was their command to follow him. Aeaolen halted prior to embarking on the shuttle and turned to the young female Jedi. "I was a Jedi once. I became a Jedi Knight before I was captured by the Imperial Inquisition and turned to the Dark Side." Aeaolen's body was facing sideways, he was canted towards the young girl. Aeaolen felt a deep sense of sadness well into him. He remembered the pain he had felt being tortured, prodded and poked until he succumbed to his rage and fell completely to the Dark Side.

"It was miserable. The stoic nature of the Jedi is good when you need to show presence but when the time comes your restraints far outweigh your potential. The Jedi teach peace in the hope that they never go to war. The Jedi teach peace because they believe that they are mightier than those who would stand against them." Aeaolen now fully faced towards Arden. "The first thing that you must learn is: Peace is a lie, there is only passion." Aeaolen recited the first line of the Code of Sith, something that he had been taught during his mentorship by Emperor Palpatine. It was unlikely that the young woman even knew what he was reciting. For what it was worth...the Sith had been long dead and gone and their remnants swept away with them. Aeaolen didn't believe that was necessary anymore.

"Come now. You have much to learn my apprentice and we have a Jedi to capture." Aeaolen turned and walked onto the Lambda-class shuttle, the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers pushed past newly crowned Apprentice Inquisitor Arden Marr.
As they walked, Arden wondered if she would ever get her blaster back. It was brand new - and it wasn't as though she found herself flush with credits. She still had her lightsaber, if nothing else, but even as a newly-minted apprentice (a title that would've given her pause, had she not just endured the fight of her life) it wasn't as versatile as the weapon she left behind.

Then again, she had a lot to learn.

With hands still buried deep in the pockets of her jacket, Arden kept the pace as they moved toward Aeaolen's shuttle. Her mind was quiet: unsettlingly free of anything but the knowledge she had somehow survived the night, it was only the sound of the stranger's voice that caused her to turn her attention to something other than the city before them. It should've surprised her to learn he had been a Jedi once - but it didn't. The Sith were a distant memory, a scary story to tell young Padawans to coax them to fall in line. The lightsaber marked him unmistakably as what he once was, even if he seemed to distance himself from his past, even now.

The slight furrow of her brow betrayed her feelings: why is he telling me this? Trying to humanize himself, no doubt - but to what end? The man had what he wanted: the Jedi who had eluded capture for so many years, too stubborn to die a martyr's death. It dawned on her then that he was serious about her apprenticeship, and it was all she could do to nod mutely. Collecting her thoughts, Arden tried to put her feelings into words. The stoicism of the Jedi came easily to her - until her temper flared.

"The Jedi groomed us to be child soldiers for a Republic Army." Her voice was cold, unfeeling. "I suppose it wouldn't be the first time they had their weapons turned against them." A ghost of a smile pulled at the edges of her lips. Gallows humor was about all she had anymore, it seemed.

The unfamiliar creed elicited a nod. Arden wasn't so sure - but then again, the Jedi Code had been just as vague and contradictory, and whatever it was that Aeaolen was referencing was just as liable to be some old doctrine from ages' past. Perhaps in time she would come to feel the passion he spoke of; for the time being, her body felt weak and numb, sliding into a low valley after the thrilling rush that combat had provided.

Pausing on the boarding ramp, she cast one last look over Nar Shaddaa. It wasn't beautiful. It wasn't home. All in all, she was glad to be leaving. But still, something nagged at her - something more substantial than her lost blaster pistol.

"What am I supposed to call you?" If he had introduced himself, the knowledge had been lost in the hum and clash of their blades.

[mention]Aeaolen Kicka[/mention]
"The Jedi groomed us to be child soldiers for a Republic Army. I suppose it wouldn't be the first time they had their weapons turned against them." Aeaolen heard the words and was immediately transported back to the execution of Order 66 and the gut wrenching feeling he had in his stomach when he found out about his fellow Jedi, he allies, his friends and even his enemies. A malaise set over Aeaolen temporarily before he brought himself back. It was apparent to anyone trained in the Force that Aeaolen was indeed conflicted about the fall of the Jedi Order, something that he had known his entire life. "I suppose so." Aeaolen responded with a monotone response as he leaned up against one of the seats of the Lambda-class shuttle.

"I am High Inquisitor Aeaolen Kicka...I've been called many things." Aeaolen showed a wiry smile. He had indeed been called many things, mostly mean things, but he had been called some nice things. Like once he had killed a Jedi on Cato Neimodia who had survived Order 66 and as the Jedi was strangled to death by Aeaolen's grip he retorted with his last words Emperor's scum or the time he had chased an Imperial Moff down who had been consorting with pirates and Rebel Alliance contacts. He tortured the Moff for seven days before the Moff's body had finally given out and he succumbed to his injuries, the Moff had said something to the effect that he would do illicit things to Aeaolen's mother.

"You may call me High Inquisitor, Master, Lord Kicka, Aeaolen...Aeo..." Aeaolen sighed heavily. "Fortunately, unlike the the Dark Side Adepts or even other Dark Side Elite...the Inquisitors get along. Emperor Palpatine managed to teach us that much...or maybe it was inherit from the fact that most of us are former Jedi...or maybe it was just the fact that while we were hunting traitors, we didn't want to be looking over our shoulder the entire time." Aeaolen was bitter about the fact that on Kalist IV one of the Emperor's Eye's had gotten in the way of an operation and attempted to murder Chief Inquisitor Charleena Dusat. Aeaolen enjoyed ejecting the young Zabrak out of his star destroyer. The Emperor was hardly pleased but the Inquisitors ranked as the highest of the Dark Side Adepts...and the Emperor's Eye was plotting to stab the Emperor in the neck with a vibroblade. That the Emperor enjoyed when Aeaolen did his duty.

The Lambda-class shuttle departed for the Rapax an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and the personal operations center of the High Inquisitor. Aboard was an entire legion of Imperial Inquisitorial Stormtroopers as well as a select of the Inquisitor's own Death Trooper cadre that had been assigned to him by the Director of Imperial Intelligence. He slowly had them replaced with a loyal cadre of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers. As the shuttle arrived inside the hangar of the Rapax, Aeaolen stepped off to a grand parade of Imperial Navy officers, gunners, technicians, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, Death Troopers and standing at the forefront was Admiral Lok Kavar, the Captain of the Rapax and a close confidant of Aeaolen. "Admiral Kavar. I'd like you to meet my new--a new Apprentice Inquisitor Ardenn Marr."

[mention]Arden Marr[/mention]
Arden felt the shift in the man's demeanor, subtle though it was, as though the weather had suddenly turned toward rain. Apparently, he didn't appreciate the joke - which was fine, really. She knew it was a risk to be so bold, even if his response had been utterly unexpected. Her image of the Dark Side was unflinching commitment to an ideal - not entirely unlike the Jedi Order - and so any room for guilt, or doubt, or conflict seemed out of place. And yet, here he was commanding an army, whisking her away to parts of the galaxy unknown, clearly unimpressed by her distaste for a mutual enemy.

As the man rattled off his numerous names and titles, Arden couldn't help but wonder if she could ever call another man Master. Especially someone who had shown up out of nowhere, nearly killed her, and then recruited her to his cause in lieu of stomping her face into the dirt. Nodding, she kept her concerns about names and titles to herself, following the High Inquisitor's lead.

"I wonder how long that'll last." She mused, less concerned about whether it would and more amused at the idea of a bunch of Inquisitors somehow learning to play nice. Not that she knew much about them as a whole, but Arden had somehow survived two encounters with the shadowy sect, and neither instance had convinced her they were capable of more than perfidy and murder. A power vacuum was a dangerous thing - how long until Palpatine's agents turned on one another, believing themselves to be the one true heir to his Empire?

There was little for Arden to do but wait, and consider the reality of her situation. She had gone from independent but barely making ends meet to once again under the thumb of some strange, shadowy organization, all in the course of an evening. The illusion of choice offered little comfort, and as the shuttle docked she wondered if it would've been better to simply die. There were no masters in death, but no new lessons to learn. Unable to truly romanticize the idea of succumbing to nothingness, the newly-minted apprentice shifted uncomfortably, leaning against one of the transport's chairs for stability as they came to a stop.

The sight that greeted her as they emerged from the ship was more than enough to give her pause. For a moment, all Arden could feel was fear: cold and all-consuming, she could barely feel her arms and legs, much less move them to greet the unfamiliar faces that awaited them. Swallowing hard, she fought to bury her fear. If she was Aeo's apprentice, were these men not her allies? Or had he fooled her, lured her into thinking she might live, only to deliver her to the Empire as an exceptionally docile prisoner?

Pulling in a deep breath, Arden descended into the hangar and forced herself to look straight ahead, to do anything but take stock of how many troopers, how many blasters, how many ways she could wind up dead, or worse. Staying at Aeaolen's side, she regarded the Admiral with a small, tight smile, removing her hands from her pockets to stand at attention. Or at least, a vague approximation of it.

"A pleasure, Admiral," she offered in a voice far steadier than it should've been, keeping her gaze on the man before her.

[mention]Aeaolen Kicka[/mention]
Aeaolen looked over at the young woman and gave a soft smile. "You can relax. They won't kill you." Aeaolen could sense the confusion and fear inside of the woman, he had sometimes felt it himself whenever he boarded his flagship. He never knew if something had happened and the Emperor had declared him a traitor or an enemy and Aeaolen would be slaughtered as a thousand blasters fired his way. Aeaolen turned his head back to Admiral Lok Kavar, a veteran naval commander who had served during the Clone Wars and was one of the brightest minds in all of the Galactic Empire.

"I saved Admiral Kavar from a leading role in the Death Star's security force and requisitioned him for my personal armada." Aeaolen walked, his--the new Apprentice in tail and the grey-green uniformed Admiral. "Ah yes...Aeaolen you did. I'm often reminded of that.." Admiral Kavar turned and winked at the young woman. "Please Kavar, you know I am just giving this terribly horrified and confused woman a history lesson." Aeaolen paused for a moment and then chuckled. "If I understand correct her last interaction with an Inquisitor probably wasn't none to pleasant. Some of the younger Inquisitors are a little--" Aeaolen was interrupted by Admiral Lok "--bloodthirsty? Ignorant? Callous to the way that the Inquisitorial Order works?" Kavar had been on the receiving end of one of Aeaolen's Apprentice Inquisitors who thought it would be wise to smack down a man that Aeaolen had come to call a friend.

Aeaolen looked at the young woman as the walked to the bridge through the maze of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer. "Many of us former Jedi who serve the Emperor are more pragmatic in our approach. We found it easier to bring Jedi into the service of the Emperor by resorting to our personalities and luring the Jedi into us then to murder them...or torture them." Aeaolen was immediately brought back to his "breaking" underneath the Emperor, the man who personally oversaw him become an Inquisitor. "Fortunately for us, many Inquisitors are left alone to do as they please--" Aeaolen nodded as a cadre of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers walked past and halted, saluting them. "--we continue that despite the death of the Emperor. We continue to serve the Empire and it's citizens. Routing out the root and stench of treason that would sacrifice a dozen Imperial worlds because they can make a quick thousand credits."

Aeaolen snarled at the words. He was loyal to the New Order but not all of it. He firmly believed in human leadership and that was something that he would hardly change, but he believed that occupation over death would provide the Empire with a continual source of labor and economic stability. "Your role here will be assisting me in my--" Aeaolen paused again and smiled at the Admiral. "--research about the Sith." Aeaolen flashed a wicked grin at the young Apprentice Inquisitor. "I have given you your first sip of the research...the first line of the Qotsisajak or the Code of the Sith." Aeaolen, the Admiral and Arden had reached the bridge. "Peace is a lie. There is only Passion." Aeaolen recited the mantra again. "So...Apprentice Inquisitor Arden Marr, what do you say? You up for learning about the Sith?"

[mention]Arden Marr[/mention]
Under different circumstances, Arden might've found their banter amusing. But her mind was too focused on the way the galaxy had seemingly pulled itself right out from beneath her feet, shoving her into a completely different world, one unlike anything she had ever known. There were faint echoes of the Jedi in what Aeaolen showed her - talk of codes of honor, the military aesthetic - but the energy was different; it vibrated on a different frequency than the milquetoast faux-pacifism she had endured in her youth, and while she wasn't entirely sure of her place among the men that surrounded her, she felt hopeful that she eventually would. And that was enough.

Remaining quiet, Arden nodded along as the man spoke. Why he had chosen her - an ally of the Hutts, who would absolutely destroy entire star systems if it meant they might profit - as his new project, was beyond her. She wasn't naive enough to believe she was special, but perhaps the number of former Jedi who had the will to survive had grown short; perhaps she truly was one of the last of her kind, too stubborn to roll over and die, but smart enough to know when she had been beaten. Arden knew what it was like to see potential in someone, but it had been quite some time since someone had claimed, indirectly or otherwise, to have seen it in her.

There was something haunting about the title he had bestowed upon her. She was an apprentice, again; but an Inquisitor, not a Jedi, not a Padawan, not a Sith. Something separate from the narrative her old masters had pushed on her - something with a purpose, clearly defined. After a moment of reflection, Arden nodded. It was clear there was something on her mind, but it took her a moment to form the thoughts into a cohesive question.

"Is it always this fast?" She asked, a hint of trepidation in her voice. One minute, she was a pawn of the Hutt Cartel. The next, she was fighting for her life, and in the blink of an eye, she was here: among the remnants of the Empire, poised to pledge fealty to the High Inquisitor. How had things changed so quickly..?

[mention]Aeaolen Kicka[/mention]