Private (Factional) A Knights Return

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Jedi Order
Mandalorian Clans
Jun 10, 2021
Jedi Knight Cassus Valorous found himself in a deep state of meditation, the hum of the eta-class shuttle's engines providing a soothing backdrop to his introspection. His mind wandered through the turbulent events of the past months, like chapters in a vivid holobook.

The campaigns he had led had been grueling and relentless. Battles had raged on countless planets, and the weight of leadership had pressed heavily upon his shoulders. Cassus had seen comrades fall and had faced the dark forces threatening the galaxy with unyielding determination.

The trial before the Senate, however, had been a stark contrast to his battles on distant worlds. Accused of negligence in the Bakura crisis, Cassus had felt a deep sense of isolation within the Jedi Order. Doubt had crept into his heart as he questioned his place among the venerable knights, despite his brother in arms Kylar Thranes assistance. He had begun to feel like a relic of an era long gone, a time when the Jedi's role in the galaxy was clearer.

In his search for answers, Cassus Valorous had embarked on a journey of self-discovery, venturing to the farthest corners of the galaxy. He had sought wisdom from forgotten masters, delved into ancient texts, and immersed himself in the diverse cultures he encountered. Along this path, he had confronted his inner demons, ultimately finding a renewed sense of purpose and identity.

Now, as he slowly returned to the present, Cassus felt a sense of tranquility and newfound clarity. He knew he was not the same Jedi who had left Coruscant months ago. The galaxy had changed, transforming the Galactic Republic into the New Republic, and redefining the role of the Jedi and the military.

Cassus stood up from his meditation, and commanded his pilot to inform his unit, the 37th SpecOps Detachment, and his trusted XO, Commander Hyro, to rendezvous with him at Republic Defense Fleet headquarters. It was time to reintegrate into the evolving Republic, to bring his experiences and wisdom to the service of the New Republic, and to stand alongside his comrades once more in the pursuit of peace and justice in the galaxy.

As the shuttle descended into the orbit of Coruscant, Cassus Valorous could feel the weight of his responsibilities returning, but he was no longer burdened by doubt. He was ready to face the challenges ahead with a newfound strength and sense of purpose, standing as a Jedi Knight reborn. “General Valorous, we are approaching the Jedi Temple.” His pilot called over the intercom, it was time to return.
Character - Kylar Thrane, Jedi Knight
Location - Coruscant, Jedi Temple

Kylar stood on the extended landing pad, outside one of the temple's larger hangar bays. He was double and triple checking his headcount of the padawns waiting before him to embark on the transport. Completing his tally again, he scrolled through his log of all the the personnel still registered inside the temple, eyes darting from entry to entry in haste with to combat the feeling that he had forgotten something or someone.

The anxiety must have been plain on his face, as Jedi Master K'Kruhk placed a heavy hand on his shoulder chuckling, "Easy young Kylar. They are all there, and I have already checked your logs and swept thru the lower level dormitories to just make sure. We have them all, trust me. I can feel the presence of all remaining students boarding the transport now."

Kylar allowed himself a smile and took the venerated Jedi's hand in a thankful grasp. "Thank you Master. Your reassurance is a blessing. There has just been so much to tackle in these past weeks, and since the Battle at Thyferra, I feel we can leave nothing to chance. The plan must be completed, and swiftly. With this last transport, all Younglings and unassigned Padawns will have been relocated to Ossus."

"Indeed", K'Kruhk pondered. "I will admit, at first I was skeptical of your proposal Kylar. Actually, I downright told Grand-Master Khess that she was acting foolishly to throw the Jedi's future to the stars by trusting the whimsical dreams of a Jedi Knight instead of listening to the Council." He gave Kylar a grin, "Others spoke out too.....but judging from your eyes you know who.......alas, politics of the Council Chamber."

He paused then, and his eyes grew hopefully as they watched the transport lift off to rendezvous with the Phoenix Legion Task Force in orbit, "And yet.....when I visited Ossus......walked the restored of the Hall of Knights, saw the fires of the legendary Bastion Forge, and felt the calming presence of the Living Force on that world.....a world you rediscovered and rebuilt.....", he turned to Kylar and put his hand on the young Alderaan's arm. " was the most awakening experience in the Force I have felt since I built my first lightsaber long, long ago. Truly Kylar, I offer my apology for speaking out against you harshly. With Ossus, you have truly given a gift to the Jedi. A new beginning, one far away from this....", K'Kruhk gestured wide across the Coruscant skyline, "......this mess. I felt at peace on Ossus, in a way I have not felt in decades. And thus, I fully endorsed your plan to relocate all of the youngling students there. I know it will improve their training, and hopefully keep them safe. Or at least safer away from the shadow.....", he ended with a slight growl.

Kylar took a step back and bowed deeply before the older Master. "You honor me, Master K'Kruhk, and I truly do not take that praise lightly. Thank you. I was blessed with the drive and wisdom to relocate the Jedi's ancient home of Ossus, but I cannot take all the credit. Yes, I have driven and encouraged the our Order and allies in the Ossus mission, but it is truly through their hard work combined that we have rebuilt Ossus from an abandoned desolate world into our reclaimed ancient world......our bastion......our home."

"Truly!", K'Kruhk exclaimed, "as save for some Security personnel, librarians, diplomats, sector stationed knights, and stubborn Ki-Adi-Mundi, nearly the entire order has answered your call to Ossus. And the ones that aren't there are off battling our enemies with the Phoenix Legion." Kylar noted a hint of pride the master's tone at the mention of the Phoenix Legion, which he took as a good sign. To some Jedi, the new role of the Jedi Sentinels and even the existence of the Phoenix Legion was souring and off-putting, but they would just need to catch up to the times. Those were Jedi who were still in the grips of the pre-war politics, who still believed they could hide behind their robes and a books turning a blind eye to the galaxy. But that was not like his trusted companions within the Order. Rowan, though introverted and definitely unique in senses, never shied from the Knights true calling and had followed Kylar's lead. And Cassus had always...... "Hmmm, Cassus?," Kylar thought to himself as he felt a presence in the Force. A ETA-class shuttle made its way thru the clouds and settled on the far end of the landing pad. The presence hit home on his memories and he eagerly started waving at the shuttle, "Cassus!!!", he shouted. "Master K'Kruhk, this is a honorable day, Cassus Valorous as returned to us."
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Standing aside Senior Knight Thrane was none other than the figure of the Jedi Knight known as 'The Shadow' a female standing fully at an imposing six feet in height with a body at peak physical fitness for a human jedi at-least, full head of stark white-hued tresses spilling down the back whilst two beaded strands of hair framed her facial features, and was a beauty to behold with a pair of austere blue irises that focused on Master K'Kruhk for the moment as younglings and padawans loaded the shuttles. The female bore robes of blue and white hues rather than the traditional earthy notes and a singular cylindrical hilt of silvery steel hung at her waist. The female had requested this assignment, for a change. Rather than taking lives, for once the shadow would protect which was irony not lost on her of-course. Discourse between Knight Thrane and Master K'Kruhk continued, the woman merely standing in the background and remaining both aware and wary which perhaps was why she was the first to notice the presence of Cassus nearby as her eyes immediately averted to the Eta-Class Shuttle descending as the two spoke.

"Knight Thrane, there is an Eta-Class Shuttle requesting access to the far end of the landing platform. I believe that this shuttle belongs to Knight Valorous who hasn't been seen recently. Not only does it sound like him but the force whispers so." spoke the woman, finally breaking the silence she had been holding since the two started conversation. As soon as Thrane began making motions to the shuttle, the female finally moved from her statuesque position and towards the shuttle that had just now landed. She left conversation between Thrane and K'Kruhk to the two of them as she was already familiar with the person in question and instead headed to give the returned knight a greeting. As soon as the shuttle had come to full stop and the ramp descended, Talia Raihart was standing at attention exactly one meter away with a nonchalant frown drawn onto her countenance.
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The Eta-class shuttle bearing the unmistakable crest of House Valorous commenced its smooth landing on the pristine platform of the Jedi Temple. Cassus Valorous had yearned for this moment, to once again gaze upon the majestic spires and tranquil courtyards of the sacred place he called home.

With purposeful steps, Cassus ascended to the cockpit, his anticipation growing with each stride. The sight of the Jedi Temple, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, was a welcome and familiar one, but it had been far too long since he'd last seen it.

As he neared the cockpit, his lightsaber responded to his unspoken command, leaping into his waiting hand with a reassuring hum. He secured it to his waist, its presence a comforting reminder of his commitment to the Jedi Order and the values he held dear.

Dressed in his traditional silver Jedi robes, his houses crest sat on the shoulder of his robe. It was a symbol of his lineage and honor, a legacy he carried with pride and reverence.

Upon descending the shuttle's ramp, Cassus was greeted by the presence of his comrades. Jedi Knight Kylar Thrane, a brother in arms and a close friend, both of noble lineage on the planet Alderaan, he stood there, ready for the reunion. They had shared countless battles and victories, their bond forged in the crucible of adversity.

Next to Kylar was the venerable Jedi Master K'Kruhk, a paragon of wisdom and well known for his abilities. Cassus offered a respectful nod to the master, acknowledging the masters seniority.

Completing the assembly was the Jedi Knight Talia Raihart. Her presence wasn’t one he knew much of, though he had great respect for her, despite her unwelcoming frown. Cassus greeted her warmly.

Finally, turning his attention back to greet Kylar, he finally spoke. “So brother, what have I missed.” With a grin spread across his face, Cassus could not have been happier to be back.
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The tough, worn and stern facade which the Jedi Knight wore for the arrival of Cassus Valorous only waned once the knight had arrived before them, cracks forming and the uncaring frown turning to a wide smirk drawn upon the beautiful woman's countenance, a stray bit of silver-white hair blowing in a slight current as she took in the appearance of Cassus with his silver robes bearing the iconography of his clan. As for the female, she wore a mixture of blue outer robes with white-silver inner robes and held her lightsaber at her side on the belt's loop. Cerulean irises focused on Cassus as small folds in the corners of her eyes crinkled slightly. Finally, when Cassus had asked Kylar what he missed, the female beamed and spoke in a light dulcet. "You've missed a lot, Knight Valorous, it's good to finally see you returned to the Order. Though, I will allow Senior Knight Thrane to fill you in on every detail as I'm sure he's wont to do. It was a pleasure, but I should honestly return to my duties and see the last shuttle fully to Ossus. I'll take my leave then, Master, Senior Knight."

Talia Raihart then head to a nearby landing platform should there be no reason for her to halt, such as word from the Senior Knight Kylar Thrane or Master K'Kruhk and head to her own T-65b X-Wing Starfighter which if left unimpeded would immediately lift off and head to escort the last transports. Chatter could be heard from an R2 unit just before liftoff and Talia and 'Rix' had a momentarily conversation before throttling through atmosphere and into space proper. One could see that the original red livery had been replaced with sky blue.