Apprentice Wanted (Open)

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Mar 20, 2015
Darth Vryka was coming. She was coming, to Korriban, for an Apprentice.

Why would she need an Apprentice? Why would she need some petty wannabe Acolyte to weigh her down? Those are some very good questions, one Vryka had only just answered herself when she had arrived. What good is knowledge that ends? Immortalize the knowledge. Spread it. When everyone knows everything, her mission would be fulfilled. Let the ignorant smear their excrement elsewhere; this was a place for enlightenment. This was a place of the Dark Side of the Force. She'd enjoy discussing philosophy and having a worthy competitor in Dejarik.

And so she stepped up to the sands, feeling a great power from the Landscape. She remembered her trials well, and even more so the hardships her first master had forced upon her. She would enjoy looking through those tombs yet again. But, for now, she merely waited...

((Anyone want a Master?))
Xerxes had remembered the last time he was here, Korriban, It was to meet an old friend whom he'd now lost contact with. He didn't quite understand why he was back here; quite frankly, he hated the place. It was too hot and some of the creatures here would just get mad if you swung a saber at them. It did have one thing going for it, the light side of the force was very weak here. Xerxes doesn't exactly hate the light side of the force he just prefers the dark side mainly due to his past, but he also views it as possessing more power. He'd been walking in the sun for about an hour before he caught sight of a person overlooking ruins that's all this planet was really, ruins. Xerxes made his way towards them and decided to greet them, he thought that if they were on Korriban that they couldn't be a Jedi. As he got close enough to be heard, he said "Hello"

((I want one))
Hello? What an odd thing to say. You've just landed on a planet, filled with the history of possibly hundreds of Sith Lords over the ages, and so you go and walk up to an extremely powerful Sith Lady and say 'hello'? Oh well, she couldn't say he wasn't polite. She didn't bother to face and turn him, because he was likely just in training. She could barely sense his presence, but it was one of the Dark Side. But it felt unsure. It had a strange quality to it... he had not yet become wholly Sith. She turned her head a whole ninety degrees and she got a better look from the sides of her vision. He seemed to be a Zabrak. Fair enough. What was he doing here, she wondered? Oh, it mattered little. But he better hope curiosity didn't kill the cat.

"Hello" she casually greeted.
Xerxes could tell that he was standing in the presence of a powerful dark side force user, but he didn't know who she was. So he figured he would instead tell her his name seeing as that question might make her angry as it would any sith.

"I'm Xerxes by the way, sorry if I'm bothering you, but I haven't seen many people around."

He could tell by her attire and dark side presence that she had to be a high ranking sith, but he didn't want to make any assumptions just yet. Instead he would ask her about her business in order to further progress the conversation.

"So what brings you all the way out to Korriban?" he said as he reached for some water he had stored in a container.
Xerxes, was he? What an odd name. Of course he hadn't seen many people around, that much was obvious. Seeing is only one of the many senses. Humans have quite a few, not just limited to the 5, and who knew what other senses other freaky alien genotypes out there might have. But even your senses are just a small part of knowing. You need to know people, not just see them. A name is only a name. It doesn't matter if you've seen them, smelt them, felt them, heard them or even tasted them, you don't know anything. Does anyone know anything, and can this even be proved? Yes, but only by the Force. This is what the Lightsiders get wrong. The Force is the only Truth, but that does not mean everything else isn't. It's all a construction. A Galactic Construction. She stayed completely still, not moving in any way.

"What could I be here for? Korriban is like a Pheonix. With the ashes of Sith long gone mixing with the sands, their wisdom and power will carry over to the new, the strongest of the weak, and it will make them even stronger. This is where the cycle comes full circle with both Life and Death replenishing it, evolving it. I don't look very dead, do I? So what else could I be here for? To make the strongest of the weak stronger? To gain an Apprentice? Or perhaps I've been lying. Perhaps I, myself, am a Spirit Long Gone. But how would you know the difference? Are you blind between Life and Death, Black and White? How do I know you aren't one yourself?"

She sure likes the sound of her own voice. That, and to ask a lot of questions she already knows the answers to. And yes, she's always like this.
Xerxes stood still as she spoke in riddles, questions, and other philosophies which took him a second to decode. From what he gathered she was here for the history and to let it sink in so that she herself may grow in power. As for everything else he was still trying to understand as he wasn't one for riddles and this all sounded like one big riddle. Eventually, after carefully listening and thinking something which he had picked up from his time with his old master Oogway, who often spoke in riddles; He eventually found out what she was going on about. She was here to make one weaker than herself strong which in this case would probably be Xerxes. While she didn't intentionally find him, nor vice versa, he felt that something caused this encounter to happen.

"I've never really looked at Korriban that way I've always thought about it as more of an overheated sandball, but really looking at it, I must agree." He said while he looked around. He couldn't really make heads or tails of the comments regarding existentialism she had made, and couldn't decide if she was very wise or just plain mad.

"So you said that you were looking for the strongest of the weak in order to make them stronger. I'm not all powerful, but at the same time I'm not helpless. I couldn't tell you if I was in fact the strongest of the weak, but if you are looking for an apprentice I do think that I would be worth your time." He said while trying to avoid sounding like a narcissist
The Zabrak wants her to be his Master? That would be quite fitting, considering that Xerxes was the first lifeforms she had seen on Korriban that wasn't a demented slug, and the first lifeforms she could say she's seen in a while. Despite this, she wasn't so ndesperate as to pick up the first willing Darksider. After all, he could be a spy of some kind. He'd need a test. She does'n't train just anybody.

"If you really think you have what it takes to be my Apprentice, get ready. I will put you through three challenges, all of which you must complete. Failure means death. Do you accept these conditions? I'm giving you a chance to walk away with your life."
Xerxes understood that she couldn't just take any run of the mill acolyte and expected to be tested in some way shape or form. He thought about it for a second and felt that he had much to gain by learning from her. He thought about it for a second and decided that perhaps it would be worth almost dying to finally have a master. He decided finally that he would do the tests as he had faith in his own abilities.

He looked at her and said,"I'll do your tests and if I die then worry not I obviously wasn't worth the time." He then said,"Whenever you are ready I will begin my first test. He said as awaited her words.
"Very well, then."

Darth Vryka would expect very highly of this Zabrak. From here, the only possibly outcomes were his Death or his Rebirth. But, whichever way the table of fate flips, she was certainly going to enjoy this. First off, she grabbed through her pocket until she found a red gem, one she didn't use in a very long time, deciding that it would be better suited an Apprentice than a Sith Lady who wouldn't use it, even if he were to die this day. And so she wordlessly moved it from her hand into his, assuming they were open to grab it. She didn't speak, not mentioning it at all, merely passing the Lightsaber. Whether he used it or not was his choice. She turned to face him, allowing her potential Apprentice to see her red skin, red glowing eyes and bone-like protrusions. Most people wouldn't be able to tell if she was being calming and friendly or murderous and malicious... most people can't tell. It's an odd facial expression.

"Your first challenge is to recite the Qotsisajak, the Code of the Sith. But don't think I'll let you off that easily. Tell me what it means to you, verse by verse. There is no incorrect answer, don't worry. But there are some stupid ones."
Xerxes remembers the sith code quite well as it is something he has heard several times since he's been a part of the sith order. He had never truly taken the time to reflect on what it means, but now would be a better time than ever. He closed his eyes so that he could further concentrate on the things that he would say.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion" he started

"The first line in the code tells me that peace, something that the Jedi strive for; is an illusion, something unobtainable, and that strong emotions triumph over peace."

"Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. These two lines tell me that I should use my strong emotions as a stepping stone to achieve something that most sith strive for, power."

"Through Power, I gain victory. Using the powers that passion has granted me, I triumph over those who do not do the same"

"Through victory, my chains are broken. This is the second reward that the code delivers on, freedom. Unlike the Jedi, whose code offers nothing but senseless binding. I am utterly freed by using my emotions to defeat my enemies."

"The force shall free me. The final line reflects the fact that freedom, power, strength, and almost all the previous things on this list are achieved through the force."

Xerxes opened his eyes so that he could better see the lady and awaited her response to his analysis.

From the perspective of Xerxes, Darth Vryka would turn just a little more as a little smile developed on her face. It seemed friendly, but you could never really tell with Sith.

"But I can't help but notice that your explanations echo the Code itself in a longer fashion, more or less. The Qotsisajak isn't a Rule-book, it's not even a Code. It is a Way. After all, that is what Qotsisajak means: Way of the Sith Doctrine. But don't go around thinking it's a Misnomer. It isn't. Not quite. Let me offer you an alternate explanation:"

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. It is against nature to have Peace. Greed causes this, which is itself technically a Neutral Power. If ever there is prosperity, a person of Greed takes this away and war will start. If, for example, the Jedi rule the Galaxy, what happens then? If they are so dedicated about peace that they enforce it? Rebellion. But, in the event that it does work, is it truly Peace? Or is it blackmail? Nature halts peace. The Force stops peace. It's called the Peace Wager: Peace does not exist, it is a lie. In the event of Peace existing, it is forced to become a lie, a false facade. You said in your explanation that the Jedi crave peace. This is mostly true. They claim to be Followers of the Force, to be it's Servant. The Force doesn't work in the ways it thinks it does."

Darth Vryka took a step towards the Zabrak, analyzing him thoroughly. "I will tell you more later, if you survive. After all, that was only half of one verse, and only a smidgen of the amount you will further learn. I find your explanation acceptable. Onto the second challenge, then..."

"What is the Force?"

These are more questions and less challenges. At least she didn't ask for his favorite color.
Xerxes thought for a second on the question he had never truly thought about what the force was. He could try and say everything about how the force is everything that surrounds us, but she probably already knew this and wouldn't be happy with that answer. He dwelled on the question a bit more before he spoke up and said.

"Well, what isn't the force? It's everything around us it is life, death, it's everything that brings us together. One could also say that it is a power source, since it can grant those who know how to use it immense amounts of power. It is a complex thing to describe and I know that I probably can't even begin to comprehend the question, let alone the answer, but from my limited knowledge that's what I think the force is."
"No. Answering what you don't know is the first step towards knowing what you don't know. Don't be scared, don't refuse. The Force is finite, of course, everything is. So I'll repeat the question, and I hope you'll answer not like a Jedi, but like a Sith. Only Jedi, you see, refuse to learn. They do this out of fear of the truth. What do you think the Force is?"

The Force was not everything, it seemed. It wasn't some omnipotent god, either. It's closer to a symbiotic bacteria than to such things the Jedi worship, but what exactly is it? Darth Vryka had a pretty good idea, but what did Xerxes believe?
He thought for a second on how to answer the question to her satisfaction, he thought about what the force was in his own opinion. For the most part he had only heard others tell him what the force is so he tried to to form his own thoughts on the subject. The one thing he could think that the force was in relation to him was a tool like any other. A tool that he generally uses to his own advantage to get things that he wants. He thought about some more for a brief amount of time before speaking his part.

"I believe that the force is a tool like my lightsaber, or a hunter's blaster, so on and so forth. It is used by those who can wield it to achieve power over those who can't."
Xerxes answer was satisfactory. Whether or not it was entirely correct, Darth Vryka was not exactly one to tell. Sometimes, the Force uses you as much as you do it... but not even the Force is infinite. But simply ask yourself this: why would a symbiotic virus-like being, capable of forming a vast intelligence by interlocking themselves into each other like neurons in a brain even bother to give foolish animals such stupendous power? Surely, there is a reason.

"I find that sufficient. Do note, you will be challenged often as my Apprentice at regular intervals. Now, the last step... Show me your power. Simply go all out. Now."
Xerxes did as she commanded first by throwing his robes onto the ground so that he would have an easier time moving. He didn't think that attacking her would be a good way of showing her what he could do as he didn't know if she was a fan of sparring, so he decided to demonstrate his abilities on a nearby stone that was jutting out of the ground. He ignited his two blades and began attacking the ever deadly stone blending his force powers in it as well as is standard for users of Niman. He also channelled his rage into his attacks sacrificing accuracy for harder hits. After he had worked up somewhat of a sweat and felt that he had shown enough, he stood a second to breath and de-activated and sheathed his lightsabers. By the end of it the stone was in pieces and large chunks of it were thrown several feet away from it originally stood he then turned to the woman and said.

"I do hope that your evaluations yield positive."
"I find that fits just within the minimum. Worry not, in time you will become many times more powerful. In time, you wouldn't just be able to turn rocks into smaller rocks, but Jedi into dust. You have passed. you can now consider yourself, albeit unofficially, my Apprentice. I will pass many secrets onto you, and I only hope you will spread the wisdom and knowledge. For your first official lesson... follow me to my transport."

Darth Vryka smiled slightly, feeling underwhelmed by the anticlimactic power display. She supposed he'd just have to improve his Force Abilities... she turned her back. With little or no indication, she walked, almost as if hovering, in the opposite direction: that of her spaceship.

((Short late post is both late and short.))
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