Administor/Moderator Rules

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Admin Rules

1. Do not touch the site without Jaden Zin or Jin Zar's permission. Such violation could cause the site to be dispatched and destroyed.

2. Don't steal any forum's banner, or anything having to do with the site. Otherwise your site will be blamed for it and be against the copyright rules. Something like this will have consequences.

3. Do not grant anybody administrative powers or any rank for that matter, it will be in vien, and it is a violation.

4. You are not to edit anybody's post unless it is dangerous, spelling mistakes, etc.

5. You must be active. If you are not active in a certian period of time, and the admins aren't notified of your absence, we will have no choice but to revoke your admin rights.

6. Don't change anybody's name without their permission. If you aren't sure how to do it, ask an admin who does. If there isn't an admin avaliable, then redirect the request to Jin or I.

7. Don't abuse your powers, or it will simply be taken away.


Moderator Rules

1. Don't edit somebody's post and put something like "I am a big fat idiot that eats humans." Any of the admins see this happening, you're done.

2. Do your job. This means you must fix what is wrong in posts, if you don't then what is the point of you having moderator abilities.

3. False editing is prohibited, it isn't allowed in any forurm. It isn't allowed here.

4. Don't cut off anybody's post. If you have done it on accident, then fix it.

5. Once again, don't abuse your power. It will be taken away, blah blah you know the drill.

[These are rules for people that become Moderator and Administrator. They will know the responsibility on what to do and what not to do, it's a privilage so take it seriously]