Completed The Rising Tide

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Jan 30, 2009
Sebastian boomed with confidence or perhaps on the outside it appeared more like he was nigh furious. However, on the inside the Dark Lord-to-be was a furious form of chaos, internally his confidence and insecurities fighting each other to the metaphorical death. Just the day prior he had reported in to General Grievous for a scheduled check on his current happenings, Sebastian then lamenting that he had been wanting a personal training session with Grievous. Sebastian had told the cyborg of how the Battle on Kalee had spurred him to become more of a warrior and he truly wished to test his skills against the General, as the latter had with Dooku so many times before the Acolyte program had even become a greenlit project. Though Grievous scoffed at him the General chose to oblige the Acolyte, Sebastian sure this was done if only to "put the young Acolyte in his place" as well as being a means for the cyborg to vent some of his own frustrations...Sebastian knew the battle loss at Quermia still stung the General due to not being able to be there himself, beyond this he had begun to berate Winslow Killswitch more and more now though the Acolyte held a great portion of his favor comparative to the others within the program.​
Blaming the Acolytes for his, Grievous', losses now did help inspire Sebastian even more to topple the current regime beyond the fact that he was reaching for his destiny. Grunting then as he made his way to his Orb Wing Sebastian would take on a stern expression although there was no one other than the droids onboard to see it currently, still he was pushing himself into a serious vibe, trying his darndest to forget his insecurities. Once in the hangar and then within his tiny starfighter the Dark Lord-to-be would blast off, leaving the Diamond-class Cruiser he had been on behind while making his way toward the nearby Providence-class Dreadnought that was Grievous' flagship "The Righteous". Both ships had met in the middle of nowhere near the Outer Rim for the "training exercise", not wasting anymore time the Dark Lord-to-be would nonetheless take the time to feed the Sith Amulet along his arm with blood, awakening the Sith Wraith of Ludo Kressh in the process.​
" It won't be long now Lord Kressh....I will not put off my destiny any longer! "
Enthusiastic laughter would then begin to emit from the Sith Wraith as he nodded, further goading Sebastian's confidence.​
" Yes, yes! Where the last Chosen Sith failed the cause, you shall prove to be the Sith Order's true return! "
Tightening his grip on the Orb Wing's controls Sebastian would barely slow down when coming toward The Righteous, entering the hangar bay at nigh alarming speeds even. With Ludo vanishing from sight, Sebastian's focus would return to the task at hand. Using The Force to guide him he'd narrowly avoid a crash landing, though it still came in hot enough that his ship rolled onto its side rather than properly. Exiting the ship with an acrobatic Force imbued flip in the process he'd land on his own two feet just as his starfighter slid to a screeching halt. Storming his way out of the large area then Sebastian would make a beeline to the large training room he knew the flagship would have, another customization of Grievous'.​
Instead though as the set of doors out of the hangar bay hissed open so would Sebastian catch sight of a looming, towering shadow just before something as hard as steel hit him in the chest and sent him reeling backward. Flipping so that he'd come to his feet, albeit with one hand on the ground to catch himself further the Dark Lord-to-be's head would snap up so his gaze would direct itself back to the door ahead of him.​
Clink! Clank! Clink...CLANK!
" Cough*Cough*Haaack*Cough*Wheeeeeze "
Out from the shadows would emerge none other than General Grievous himself baring a metaphorical smile undoubtedly as his eyes matched Sebastian's gaze/met it for once. Sebastian could have sworn he had never seen Grievous ever meet his gaze, the cyborg always looking down upon the Acolyte instead.​
This was indeed Sebastian's time, his fate, his destiny.​

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" It seems then that you are indeed still learning ay', Acolyte Sebastian?! Heeheee, hehh, hehh! "
Placing his hands within one another behind his cape covered back the towering cyborg would clink and clank as he stomped forward, exuding a powerful, threatening presence even with no one, but Sebastian to bare witness to it. Drawing then two lightsaber hilts Grievous would shrug off his cape, letting it fall to the floor as he ignited both of his weapons. Bathed then in the glow of blue and green energy, Grievous would sneer as he relished the fact that he was wielding the blades of the both Jedi Masters, Pablo-Jill and Jmmar even if the fact was unknown to the Acolyte before him. Chuckling however the cyborg would then slide into an open stance, his mind wandering on to the late Count Dooku and how controlled their training sessions were, but how brutal the Sith had dealt with Grievous' failures.​
It was good to be on the other end of the boot for once.​
However, Grievous wasn't dealing with a warrior turned cyborg madman, no, he was training Sebastian Ivar Kade a being foretold to become the Sith's next Dark Lord of The Sith. And with this in mind Sebastian would rise from the cold steel floor of the hangar, spitting at the ground before he used his left hand to grab at the collar of his own cloak before snatching it up and over himself, tossing it aside then. Left standing there in black tight/form fitting pants, a sort of light utility belt, black boots, a sleeveless dark blue vest, and a strange, but ornate gauntlet along his left arm that bore a beautiful ancient ruby/amulet. Sliding a hand through his dark blond locks the Dark Acolyte would use the same hand to reach for his lightsaber while his left hand reached toward his back. It was there that he'd unsheathe his reforged sword, a blade pieced back together with remnants of his own Neuranium Gladus as well as sections of Ludo Kressh's own ancient Sith Sword that too had been broken long ago.​
Now reforged as a Khopesh style weapon, essentially a sickle-sword. Albeit Sebastian's had a double edge to it, leaving both sides of the hook razor sharp as well as a majority of its length giving it just a safe short extension for a one handed grip. Twirling the blade about to get comfortable with it's weight for the upcoming fight he'd do the same with his similarly reforged lightsaber hilt, albeit igniting it's blade in the process so that it would hum as it cut the air. Basking in the almost chilling light blue glow that fell upon him Sebastian too would twirl for a moment and appeared to be sliding into his own fighting stance before actually exploding toward Grievous in a mad dash.​
Reaching out with and pointing directly at Grievous with his left pointer finger Sebastian would "fire upon" the cyborg with The Force itself using Force Push against his superior. This would go about as well as one would think when Grievous' clawed feet would dig into the steel floor and keep him in place though The Force would still make him bend back a bit, yet this was all a part of Sebastian's plan. Pulling his finger in and "firing upon" his target once more the Dark Lord-to-be would then use Force Pull on Grievous causing the cyborg to audibly grunt in a gutteral manner as he was then forced to nearly bend over on all fours. With Grievous lightsabers scoring the floor somewhat Sebastian would then leap in an a corkscrewing acrobatic manner akin to something one might see in Juyo or Ataru.​
Swinging both of his blades and turning himself into an organic top with razor shape edges threatening to shred Grievous into ribbons.​
Sebastian's Sith Warsword's very tip would slash the space between Grievous eyes leaving a slight, but notable gouge along the cyborg's beige faceplate. However just as this happened so would the General snap to and bring himself to a standing position with his own weapons at the ready, meeting the Acolyte's own weapons in a short lived saberlock. This was done because in the same motion Grievous would reach up and out to throw Sebastian into the wall that connected the entrances and exits to the hangar. Smashing into the cold surface with a thud Sebastian would regain his composure soon enough while sliding down it's length until he dropped into a kneeling position in front of the same door Grievous had originally come out of. When the door slid open Sebastian would jump backward while extending his legs so that when he landed in the adjacent hallway he was capable of backpedaling, believing that if he drew Grievous into more closed quarters it would benefit him rather than the cyborg.​
Clink, clank, clink clank!
And into the spider's web would crawl General Grievous, now brandishing four blades with a pair of them twirling in a display that Sebastian knew was Grievous' "pissed off" mode. But, he also knew it was Grievous' fall back form, very erratic, very powerful, but less slick.​
The lightsabers twirled rapidly enough that Grievous' cybernetic limbs gave off audible noises while the energy weapons themselves cut the air with a notable sound. But, due to the confined spaces the walls, floor, and ceiling would suffer damage too, from light scrapes to deeper cuts that damaged lights and other electrical equipment noticeable as the hallway's lights flickered, door keypads shut off, etc. But, again this played into Sebastian's plan, twiddling his fingers along the hilts of his weapons he'd use The Force again. This time Telekinetically pulling the loose pieces of metal and firing them into Grievous' back and shoulders, aiming for the spaces between his armor. Too though sebastian would use The Force to yank out some of the sparking electrical wires to ensnare Grievous, zapping him as well as lightly ensnaring him.​
" Perhaps Count Dooku didn't teach you enough...."
" Gyyyaaak! Aahhh! GRRRRR!
I'll be ending you! Haaa! "
Whirling blades would lunge, strike/slash, then rapidly spin, and repeat, vice versa, as well as sporadically change. It was now a violent dance that Grievous was performing that was completely wrecking the hall he was making his way down. Thankfully for him he was able to traverse it well due to his cybernetic limbs, but should Sebastian falter for a second he could trip, get trapped, or even impale his foot on the metal carnage or even slip in molten slag perhaps. Hissing as he sucked on his teeth the Dark Lord-to-be would begin to back peddle until he nearly tripped from this effort alone, using Force Push at this point would do little to nothing at least in this part of the exchange between the two.​
But, this was when Sebastian's fingers flicked out again without fear of being disarmed as he wasn't particularly trying to defend against Grievous' blows in the least. BWONGG! The air would hum to life as a bright flash would emit from both of Sebastian's hands then, an intense light blue radiating so intensely that the cyborg's organic eyes would immediately shut closed as he began to howl in pain with a high pitched tone unlike he had been guttural in his agony before. Jumping, or rather throwing himself backward then he'd use The Force to then rip at the severed floor Telekinetically ahead of Grievous just enough so that he'd be tripped up by his own advance causing him to fall forward. In the process the blinded cyborg would alter his form so that he'd land in his almost "spider-like" form instinctually to catch himself. Dropping one lightsaber along the way he'd begin to crawl around wildly in the process of losing a second, but maintaining a hold on the last two even while crawling about like a wild animal.​
At this point Sebastian would regain his composure and head to the next area where the fight would take place at/unfold within. A decently sized repair bay full of all sorts of things such as kegs of oil, energy-based tanks, droids, repair parts, tools, etc.​
Ducking another wild swing delivered by Grievous Sebastian would finally turn and lunge so that he landed on top of a workbench proceeding to pounce a second time afterward to avoid the General further still. This was a good idea for by the time he had done his second jump Grievous was slashing and crashing through the workbench he had initially landed on. Turning midair so that when he hit the ground he'd slide backward with his eyes on his opponent, sneering in satisfaction that the effort had been fruitful. Raising his left arm then Sebastian would prepare to use Telekinesis to his advantage in this location exactly, but as he did he'd find himself snapping his attention to the eerie cold sensation building up along his arm.

In another instance a focused sphere of the Dark Side itself would be conjured and launched forward as an ill Force Blast influenced by Sebastian baring the unique arm band that housed the Sith Amulet created by Ludo Kressh via Sith Alchemy. This technique not being merely condensed air, but an actual physical manifestation of how twisted the Dark Side truly was. In moments it'd close the distance between himself and Grievous leaving Sebastian to watch on in awh as the Force Blast connected with a barrel causing it to completely incinerate in an instant rather than explode violently due to the fuel inside. Continuing on it would head toward Grievous who too watched what had just happened to which would cause the General to raise his two lightsabers in front of himself in a defensive manner. This would narrowly save the cyborgs life however there would be a momentary struggle where Grievous was forced to use every bit of his enhanced strength to combat the Force Blast until it imploded on itself sending the General flying into the ceiling of the workshop.

Shifting from a shocked to prideful expression Sebastian would take a single step forward before pausing to glance back at his gauntlet bearing arm once more before continuing after the General.

" You know General...You could yield now and bend the knee....But, where would the fun be in that?! "

Sneering with glee Sebastian would begin to take more powerful steps as he did his best to seemingly stalk forward in a haunting manner as he got closer and closer to the recovering Grievous.
The General's all too customary hacking and wheezing would become more severe and even sharper sounding as Grievous struggled there on the floor before Sebastian. But, the cyborg was not done that was for sure. When the Dark Lord to-be got too close so would the cyborg lash out in an irregular fashion which was allowed thanks to his cybernetic-biology. Sweeping out Sebastian's legs from under himself while also delivering a harsh uppercut to his chin it would then be the Human who was sent flying like a rag doll. Crashing into the ceiling and then the floor Sebastian would remain on one knee, but unable to move at least for a moment or two.​
However, while this was involuntary he had oversold his pain from being hit from the point of contact with Grievous' balled up left hand/fist to when he hit the ceiling which had all been done in hopes of drawing the General's attention. Because Sebastian had dropped something during his descent back to the floor, something that was further guided by The Force to move swiftly and to avoid bouncing along the floor. This item was none other than the EMP grenade given to Sebastian by @Zero and would explode in the middle of Grievous' distorted laughter, broken up by his robotic-sounds of pain, and labored breathing.​
This would be followed by a sound of momentary confusion once the grenade became apparent to the cyborg, the same moment it went off actually. Followed by a blue "bubble" spreading out a short distance the General would be consumed by it's energetic veil causing his entire cybernetic casing to not only cease working, but also riddle what remained of his organic body with extreme agony.​
Raising his gauntlet bearing arm then Sebastian's head would snap back while he focused on gathering The Force around the crippled Grievous. Rising then he'd do the same with his hand and arm causing Grievous to be lifted up off of the floor before being slammed into the ceiling. Moving his hand to the left Sebastian would grind the motionless body of the General along the ceiling before darting his hand down at an angle as if chopping through the air which caused Grievous to crash into the floor next. Performing a few more of these antics with his Dark Side relic empowered Telekinesis Sebastian would finally bring Grievous in close, doing his best to control his own breathing and attempting to appear much more menacing than he truly was.​
Sebastian was trying to send a message...​
" General....You knew from the get go this was no mere training exercise...Heh, heh....But, what you didn't know was that....indeed the Sith have returned and that I Sebastian Ivar Kade have inherited the title of the Dark Lord of The Sith! Count Dooku was Darth Tyrannus and his blood is my blood, but our strategies will be very different for I follow the true path of the Sith! My regime will build upon the foundations set by the Confederacy of Independants Systems! I shall be the Dark Lord of the Sith Confederacy and you will serve within this new empire as a faithful War General for despite everything....You are required to help ensure this new breed flourishes!

Or....You could die right here, a warrior's death....But, why now? Why not continue fighting?! "​
A statement had been made, it was now up to the General to continue the "good fight" or to end up space debris. Meanwhile the newly dubbed Dark Lord of The Sith would begin to deliver several messages to his closest allies, Winslow and other Acolytes on Felucia, Zero and Remus elsewhere, etc.​
The Sith Confederacy's rise was to be swift and legendary!​
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