Gazir Hemsar

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Aeaolen Kicka

Just a simple man.
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Basic Information

Name: Gazir Hemsar
-- Alias(s): NA
Homeworld: Duro
Species: Duros
Age: 30 (born 25 ABY)
Gender: Male

Faction: New Jedi Order
-- Rank/position/title: Jedi Knight

Appearance: Gazir is a standard, blue-skinned Duros. He stands roughly 5 feet, 6 inches tall and has an average build for a Duros. Gazir is often seen wearing a variety of Jedi robes and ornate Jedi robes while on diplomatic duties.

Personality and Traits

Personality: Gazir is somewhat of your standard Duros, he is thrilled by anything related to space and space travel since he was born into it. Ril enjoys democracy and freedom, something that has continued to drive him towards the Galactic Alliance. While Ril enjoys democracy and freedom it is more about his ability to venture the galaxy freely and without the oppression of the Imperial Remnant or the dreaded Sith and Dark Jedi. Ril has a keen sense of altruism and works tirelessly to assist other fellow Jedi when he can.

-- Mechanically intelligent;
-- Tacticall smart;
-- Good-hearted nature;
-- Relatively trusting;
-- Fond of the Galactic Alliance;
-- Overzealous

The Force

Force Sensitive: YES
Force Alignment:
Light Side

Lightsaber form(s): Form II: Makashi (Practitioner)

Force powers:
Core Powers

  • Control
    -- Force Concealment - Novice
    -- Force Speed - Novice
  • Sense
    -- Telepathy - Novice
    -- Force sight - Novice
    -- Farseeing - Novice
    -- Force empathy - Novice
  • Alter
    -- Telekensis (includes Force Jump, Force Push and Force Pull) - Novice
Universal Powers
  • Force barrier - Novice
Light Side Powers
  • Battlemind - Initiate


History: Gazir was taken from his home due to the close proximity of Duro to the "civilized" worlds of the Galactic Alliance. Gazir was trained from a young age as a Jedi, eventually he became a Jedi Padawan and trained underneath a Rodian Jedi Master named Xoss Preels. Preels was the master to several newly crowned Jedi Padawans which caused the training to be rather scattered. Gazir trained for several months before he was dispatched by the New Jedi Order for his first mission; while it was not common to send Jedi Padawans on missions, the Jedi needed recruits and finding former Jedi or prominent force sensitives was important and vital to the future success of the Jedi Order. The assignment of padawans to missions was personally authorized by the Grandmaster himself.

Preels would instill a deep sense of service to the Galactic Alliance in Gazir who had never wavered in his support for the Alliance. Preels was a strong proponent of the restoration of the several hundred thousand strong Jedi Order that pre-dated the Galactic Empire. Gazir would share in many beliefs of the New Republic and subsequent Galactic Alliance or Galactic Federation in which the New Jedi Order should play an integral role in its leadership and success. Gazir continues to support the factions within the Jedi High Council that seek to build closer ties to the Galactic Alliance and actively supports efforts by Jedi to bring potential new Jedi into the Order. The events of the Second Galactic Civil War were mostly lost on Gazir who was in the Outer Rim on recruitment efforts for a vast majority of the events. Gazir returned to Coruscant in 50 ABY after the end of the hostilities and the stability of the Galactic Alliance was returned.

During his missions Gazir would succeed in finding several force sensitives which was similar to his master's duty as Jedi Watchman. Jedi Watchmen were assigned to a variety of sectors to report back to the Jedi High Council and scout for new force sensitives. Gazir, alongside his master, found several current Jedi and in late 52 ABY completed his Knight Trials and became a Jedi Knight. Despite the fact that Jedi were traditionally assigned a Padawan at the rank of Knight, he had not been assigned a Padawan quite yet and he remains unsure if he will be assigned one. When achieving the rank of Jedi Knight he was sent on several missions to combat pirates and was included in the strike team of Jedi Master Dejkaz Pentag to destroy the One Sith cult on Korriban.

When Gazir returned he survived any sort of exile or demotion and was relegated to temple protection duties, to which he currently remains and serves as a mechanic servicing and repairing fellow Jedi's starfighters.

Possessions, equipment and appearance

Equipment: Whatever he might need he attempts to gain via the NJO
Weapon(s): x1 Lightsaber (Blue)

Personal Ship: X-Wing "Heart of Duro"

Droids: NA

Other notable possessions/equipment: NA
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This guy is okay, I guess. He'll make for decent cannon fodder.

Jokes aside, thanks for clarifying the stuff I mentioned over Discord!