Counter Measures

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Jolan Saris

Aug 2, 2011

The warm sun rise off hard starboard of the the Occult was just enough for the bridge officer to order a five percent polarization of displays within the bridge as the graveyard and morning shifts began their pass-downs. The list was short towards as the Captain had all but cleared the operational task for the day to accommodate the leader of his flotilla, Moff Saris and a contingent of New Republic Ambassadors and Statesmen. Just how the Moff convinced the New Republic to come on-board a Star Destroyer is up for debate. Many simply figured an overtly aggressive actions on behalf of the Moff would trigger a massive response by the New Republic, so conceding to his request was something of a mute point.

The single Star Destroyer sat orphaned from the rest of it's Sector Fleet as reports of Moff Saris and his consort of escorts made their way through the atmosphere and towards the ship. The Captain of the Occult, Captain Mendenhal sat in his personal quarters, fully dressed, allowing the natural sun light to slowly fill the room. His eyes adjusting accordingly.

His focus was on the display screen with the vector the Moff was taking to arrive to the ship. His eyes narrowed as he stood and allowed a protocol droid to complete his dress uniform. The ships entire contingent was called for the arrival of the Moff and his....guest. From imperial navy, army and the entirety of the ships Storm trooper Corps, everyone was ordered to be ready, pressed and disciplined for the arrival of the Moff. A few minuets later, four tie-fighters and a imperial shuttle emerged from the clouds and made its way towards the ship. Broadcasting the security codes needed to dock, the Captain winced at the thought of exactly how this day would be going.
“Copy that control, Vindicator flight resuming patrol,” Kaz spoke through his helmet and into the open comm. All four TIE-Defenders careened through space at full throttle. The arrival of one of the few surviving Moffs had been more than adequate reason for mobilizing the Vindicators. There was to be some meeting between Saris and New Republic forces. Supposedly.

“Tighten up, Vindicator 3. Tuck in the wing,” Kaz issued with cold precision. The whole thing stank to high heaven of a trap, or treachery. Rebels couldn’t be trusted. But orders were orders. No harm was to come to their New Republic guests so long as things remained…cordial. The comm came that Moff Saris was entering the area. Kaz’ attention was split halfway between his flight path and the radar screen to sweep for enemy contacts. ”Hang on, lead, what’s this? Tramp freighter closing in fast at…point three-seven-two.” came the voice of his wingman. The veteran Captain checked his own screen, and targeted the freighter. Corellian, YT-2400 class.

“Move to intercept,” ordered Kaz as he wheeled his TIE around on a deci-cred, barreling straight for the freighter. It wasn’t long before all four Defenders had formed up on the freighter’s aft. Space had supposedly been swept in advance, but that wasn’t Captain Krael’s shift. Things happened. Smugglers and spies liked to take advantage of things like shift change. Matching throttle speed with the freighter, he opened a hailing frequency.

“Unknown freighter, you are in restricted space. Cut your engines immediately, and submit to a cargo scan.” It wasn’t a request. His men knew exactly what to do, box it in and wait for the order to open fire. The Freighter wasn’t responding to hails, instead giving power to the engines and setting a course for hyperspace. They had a rabbit. But outrunning four TIE-Defenders wasn’t going to happen; these were hyperspace-capable craft, fully loaded with rack-and-pinion reasoning. The cargo scan had been initiated anyway. Crates of small arms, spice, generally things a smugger would want to keep secret.

“Unknown freighter,” Kaz charged again, “Cut your engines immediately.” Still its speed climbed. Krael cut the hailing channel and switched over to the operations channel. Tightening his grip on the flight sticks, the laser canons were charged and ready. Poor smugglers picked the wrong route home, and happened in the wrong place at the wrong time. “Hold fire,” he issued to his team, though he would seem to contradict his own order by firing a pair of warning shots across the fore hull of the freighter. With all manner of Imperial Brass and Reb—Republic dignitaries present, it was necessary to show a proper escalation of effort before opening fire.

Still, even after the warning shots grazed the shields of the freighter, the smugglers piloting opted to keep running. “Vindicators, light ‘em up,” it was almost casual. Kaz never lost sleep over decisions made in the line of duty. It was the Imperial Way or no way at all. All four Defenders, in perfect synchronicity, opened fire upon the rabbiting freighter full of smugglers. Green laser fire was returned by red quad-lasers both ventral and dorsally from the freighter.

All four fighters banked and rolled to dodge, KAz himself switching to missiles. It took time and patience to acquire a lock, and all the freighter had to do was survive until it jumped to hyperspace—the Vindicators wouldn’t pursue very far with a Moff inbound. But this maneuver would come right down to the wire. Vindicators Two and Three moved to keep the turrets occupied while Four peppered the shields with lasers. Kaz had a solid lock as the freighter changed course, banking hard to avoid being boxed in by the Defenders again. With the flip of a switch, he linked both launchers, and pulled right into the ion trails of the freighter, increasing to maximum speed before firing the missiles. Once launched at maximum velocity, Krael cut his throttle and pulled up hard to avoid debris from the blast.

Two and Three pulled in, continuing the assault with lasers, now that the shield had been burned out. Four gunned the throttle, following up with the same maneuver Kaz had led with, while he flew underneath the freighter, releasing controlled bursts of laser fire into its belly guns while the second volley of missiles pummeled the hull into oblivion. Pulling free of the wreck, the Vindicators formed up and checked each other’s outer hull for anomalies.

“You’ve got a waver in your ion trails, One,” came the unmistakable voice of Three. Kaz looked over to Two, seeing nothing worth noting. “All clear, Two. Solid Copy, Three.” The others sounded off in turn, leaving Kazuhira with the only damage from sortie. His instruments read within parameters, though he throttled down and shifted power from the apparently wavering ion engine to shields instead. Once done, they made another large pass around the area before reporting back to control.

“Control, Vindicator Flight. Sector clear of bandits, over.”
Issuing an open invitation to the galaxy at large was a risky maneuver. Even on their own turf, it meant inviting anyone who considered themselves a political figure into the fledgling Empire's orbit. Certainly, they would meet with the heads of the Republic - new and old; what remained after the war and those who had risen to fill the vacancies of the fallen - and perhaps even representatives of the Hutt Cartels, eager to sniff out what profits, if any, were to be made. But it was entirely possible that a more dangerous element might reveal itself, blatantly or otherwise, and it was her job to ensure the safety of those on board the Occult.

Or that was the official position on such things. Arden was no trooper, no soldier, no trained monkey in a plastic suit; she was an Inquisitor, equal parts Jedi hunter and spy, sharply in tune with the Force and more than capable of repelling any of the more esoteric threats that might opt in to the assemblage.

And if not, well, she had eyes and ears and a keen memory - more than enough reason to attend, given the High Inquisitor's absence.

With no peers, no group to fall in step along side, Arden simply waited alone off to one side as the gathering coalesced. Her presence wasn't vital, nor was it something she wanted others to notice; perhaps they would see her there in her fitted tunic, or perhaps they would be more focused on the matters at hand. There was no reason to stand out, and so she remained with her hands folded at attention, lightsaber on her hip, mind wandering as she waited for the Republic ambassadors to make an appearance.
The captain of the Occult watched the situation unfold while the shuttle maneuvered its way into the ships forward hanger. Once the ship was secured, he began to walk off the bridge as battle-stations was called. The executive officer, turning to talk now to the back of his Captain inquired.

"Sir...the battle."

"It's not a battle Commander...its a dog fight, and if that freighter manages to take out four imperial pilots, they deserve to go down. Keep me apprised." The Captain quipped as he disappeared from the command deck. The Commander, turned back to the view-ports and gave the order for the ship to lock onto the freighter and prepare to fire. A tuck at his uniform, a reminder of what's at stake today, prompted the additional command.

"Prep flights 4 and 5 for launch and arm missiles." The bridge staff went to work as the ship began to sound the arrival of a member of the imperial high command.

In the hanger of the Occult, two additional patrol flights launched from and adjective fighter bay as Saris imperial shuttle slowly moved into position to dock. The hanger bay had been cleaned and polished, its high black gloss reflecting everything, like a perfect mirror. The clicks of the marching boots could be heard with perfect unison as the various company size units performed their facing movements towards the middle of the hanger. The screaming of the flights exiting the ship allowed the Captain to look out, if only for a brief moment to the massive ocean skyline they were facing while marching towards the shuttle. Two lines of troopers, followed by officers of various departments of the ship. The department heads respectively.

Pausing at the a few paces shy of the shuttle, the Captain waited as the ramp and hydraulics of the shuttle began to activate. A scene he remembered a hand full of times before, proceeded usually by the imperial guard and an off shoot of some sort of executive protection unit.

As the Moff's black-armored death troopers exited his shuttle. The captain glanced out of the corner of his eye to see what he was sure to be a member of the ubiquitous Inquisitors Office. Another stiff swallow followed as her presence meant things were much more serious than he thought.

He returned his gaze back to the ramp as the singular Saris exited the ramp, his uniform impeccable, respectable....flawless. The Captain took a knee, as did his officers as Saris with his steely gaze locked onto him and approached. Stopping short of the ship captain, Saris turned and noticed an uncanny figure off in the distance.

"My Lord..."

Saris nodded at the Captain then returned his attention to the figure, lightsaber and all.

"That will be all Captain, debrief me on the bridge."

Rising back to his feet, the Captain and hiss staff nodded as he spoke for them. "Very good sir." As the staff began to depart the remaining formation contingent waited, all of them in perfect formation as they starred at the helmets in front of them. Saris walked slowly, breaking through the ranks of naval personnel still in formation, slowly approaching her as he spoke.

"And you...would be?"
The Occult came into plain view again as the Vindicators made another pass in their Defenders. Control came through the operations channel, flights four and five prepping for launch. Though the threat had been eliminated and the sector cleared again, more TIEs were always welcome—so long as they fell in line under the Captain’s authority. It was, after all, his flight. Though the Moff’s apparent disdain for pilots who had flown for the likes of Lord Vader himself was unknown to Kaz, there was a hint of it when Saris ordered more fighters.

The lesser-armed, lesser-pilots flight group joined up in a second wing. “Switch to channel Four-Seven-Theta, new flight group.” Once the new flights registered on the comm, Kazuhira removed his helmet. “Let’s sweep it nice and slow. Vindicator Four, Break off and lead the other flight to quadrant D6, vector three-two mark seven.”

“Solid Copy lead,” came the reply as Four veered away to take both flights of unshielded TIEs together, leaving the remaining three Vindicators to sweep the other direction, circling around to meet with the others in a classic pincer. Kaz switched over to the private channel strictly scrambled only for the 142nd. “Let’s give them a show, boys. Buzz the tower, swing around, reverse thrust and kill your engines.”

It wasn’t like Kazuhira to showboat, but it had been far too long since he had gunned anything down as he had that smuggler’s tramp freighter full of stolen Imperial arms. The adrenaline from the solid kill had him rearing for more. Since there was another flight out there to cover their six, it was time to play. With the skill and grace of the Coruscanti ballet company, three TIE Defenders came in at full throttle, only meters away from the Occult’s bridge tower. Once the Star Destroyer’s engine wash was visible, they three wheeled their craft around on a dime, reversing thrust in sync to continue moving in the same direction they had, and finally killing their engines to drift listlessly at maximum throttle, all while keeping only meters apart themselves.

Captain Krael kept a tight reign on his sticks, knuckles going white beneath black gloves. His eyes kept focused on the display before him, rather than the view from the cockpit canopy, though the starfield whizzed by at breakneck speed whether he acknowledged it or not. For all their theatrics, all it had done was kill time before a new contact showed on radar screens. Switching back to the main operations channel, Kaz shoved his helmet back on over his messy topknot, sure to secure the seals before hitting the brakes to maneuver. “New contact, heading Four-Seven mark Thirteen. Moving to intercept.”

It would be minutes before they were close enough to get a good silhouette of the vessel. A CR-90 with New Republic markings, escorted by a pair of B-Wings and four X-Wings. Just enough to be a fight. Behind his helmet, Kaz smiled grimly, feeling the familiar itch of his trigger fingers. The Corvette hailed along open channels. “Imperial Forces, this is the New Republic Transport New Dawn, carrying the New Jedi Order Ambassador. Please advise how best to proceed.”

Bloodfin, as he had become known, swung his craft to take the trails of the fighter escorts to the starboard side of the Corvette. “Form up. Box them in, Vindicator flight.” That now referred to every TIE that was spaceborne, whether they liked it or not. “Let’s take them to dock. Once that transport docks, keep on the escorts.”
The soldiers marched and Arden watched them go, as was her duty. Silently, she counted out what she saw - troopers by the dozens, so alike in stature they moved more like a swarm of insects that individuals - and filed the numbers away for later, should the information ever become relevant. The Empire was her ally, yes; but complacency was a dangerous game. And while their views were in alignment for now, it was entirely possible - if not probable - that Saris' direction for the Empire might diverge from the High Inquisitor's own, leaving Arden to choose where to place her faith - with the Force itself, or the heft of the Empire's military, currently on parade.

That the Moff decided to approach her directly was something of a surprise. Arden's uniform marked her unmistakably: from the carefully selected shade of off black, to the subtle red piping that outlined the seams of her tunic, not to mention the Imperial roundel on her shoulders, she was one of them through and through. And while it wasn't emblazoned on her person, the lightsaber on her belt meant one of two things: she was either the last surviving Sith in the galaxy - and an exceptionally well-preserved one at that - or she belonged to the Inquisitorius. To her, it was an easy, obvious distinction.

But the man himself was about as Force sensitive as a rock, for all she could tell. Maybe it was all the same to him.

As he spoke, she shifted her weight some and allowed her chin to tilt upward, compensating for the subtle difference in height between them. There was a hint of a smile on her face, the barest whisper of civility, despite the fact she was less than happy to have her surveillance interrupted by what felt like an unnecessary introduction. She passed the security checkpoints, after all. Did a name mean much to a man like him?

Eye contact came easy. There was something sharp and cold in her gaze, tempered only by that lopsided smile. "Inquisitor Arden Marr," she offered, without hesitation. The title thrilled her once; now, it felt like an admission.

"Here on behalf of the Imperial Inquisitorius. The High Inquisitor sends his regards."
Before long, the hanger bay was all but deserted as the formations disappeared into their respective garrisons. Tones and alerts meant the visitors the Moff was expecting with within sights of the ships systems. His attention however, was now firmly on the women who claimed the title of inquisitor. It was a rather particular sentiment that one would their connection to one of the most secretive organizations of the order order. Taking her in for but a mere moment, Saris starred at her, matching gazes as he turned his head slightly for a moment to the approaching footsteps.

As if on cue, the small enclave to the hanger bay, their immediate area, was being watched by eyes just as shadowy as hers.

"Inquisitor..." Saris offered his hand in the director of the halls. His training was impeccable, for he knew if she was a true imperial, then it would be customary for her, of such a rank, to discuss things in the privacy of the imperial conference room on-board. Ever ship had conference rooms, but those designated as imperial had special...precautions in place to ensure the anonymity of things being discussed of a sensitive nature.

These rooms, once monitored by the ISB, now where monitored by drones, loyal to the Moff, it was also be the seat at which the New Republic would be meeting.

As they walked...slowly down the hall, Saris inquired.

"Forgive me Inquisitor Marr, but hundreds of imperial holdouts, warlords and would be suitors to the throne engage in parlay with the New Repiblic on almost a daily bases." Looking towards her, he continued. "Why would my sector be of any major significance to the Imperial Inquisitorius?"

Looking away from her and towards their destination, he added.

"I know for a fact their are stronger remnants in the galaxy that warrant you...discretion." Saris at this point was showing his hand, on purpose. A precursor to a permanent inquisitor presence nowadays was a visit from a discerning eye. Be in negotiations with the New Republic, or the folding of ones forces into another, their will was often met with obedience or a descending imperial fleet in tow. Too much was at stake for him to be coy.

As he approached the room, a commander from the bridge reported that the New Republic was requesting permission to dock.

"Authorize it and show them in Commander, clear the hanger bay to this conference room, station my personal guard along each corridor blocking access along the route. No surprises Commander."

"Yes sir." The officer responded as Saris turned back to Marr and waited.
Ambassador for the New Republic. Feh. But it was a job for a senior Jedi, of course. This was a cross only he could bear, on behalf of the New Jedi Order. Granted ambassadorial privileges on behalf the Order, and a small cadre of New Republic Marines as an honor guard. As the transport approached the massive Star Destroyer, he couldn’t help but feel… Of course it was her. Somehow he knew her alignments had fallen in with the Empire. But had she known it was he who was coming on behalf of the Jedi?

“On our final approach now, sir,” came the voice of the pilot. Syfu frowned, knowing he was just at that tenure where everyone called him sir. But it was still something of a pet-peeve for him. “Thank you, pilot. And, don’t call me sir,” Syfu replied. “I still work for a living.”

But the transport got its permission to dock aboard the Star Destroyer. In all honesty, Syfu was not looking forward to this summit—there was surprisingly little information as to the purpose of it. But the Grandmaster wanted someone there. And it was Syfu who refused to take a partner on this one, citing the Republic Guard would be suitable. Sighing as they treated him as they did all ambassadors and dignitaries—like children that needed their hands held at every turn. He could empathize. The Marines pushed to the exit ramp of the transport ahead of him, save for two who stayed behind to collect him. Operational security. Obviously these Marines hadn’t a clue that Jin-Dyer had been a General, and commanded a squad of Clone Commandos.

Or they hadn’t ever worked with a Jedi before. Twas far more likely this, than a slight on their part. But Syfu had to admit, they were quite efficient. Well-trained. He hoped to work with a few of them again, should the need arise. He rose, in turn and followed them to meet the Imperial delegation sent to meet them. Syfu wore the same robes he wore every day, minus his beskar’gam this time. Showing up to a summit meeting in battle armor tended to send the wrong message, given how Ambassador Jin-Dyer was there on a premise of peace and good faith.

The welcome wagon was there to meet them, shiny white armor a callback to the old Republic, for which he had stood. Syfu politely nodded to the entourage that had been dispatched to meet them, and take them to the conference room, where the talks were to occur. “I need two of you with me, the rest should remain with the transport. Try not to antagonize the Imps,” Syfu issued to the Republic Troopers there for his protection. Two of them stepped forward and joined the Jedi on their trek to the turbolift and beyond.

As they strode the corridors, Syfu couldn’t help but admire the architecture of the ship, so much like the Acclimator-class vessels he had been accustomed to serving aboard in the Clone Wars. Once met with the door to the conference room, the Master Jedi faced the two troopers that had accompanied him here from the transport. “I would ask that you remain outside, Captain. I’m certain I shall be quite safe here.” The troopers saluted, and manned a post outside the door, just opposite the Stormtroopers guarding it.

And just what was that damn fool girl Arden doing here… No. More like what was this fool Syfu Jin-Dyer doing here, behaving as if he had authority from the entire Jedi Order and New Republic…. If their paths were to keep crossing, the Force surely did have something in store for them. Questions, upon questions, upon questions mounted in his mind. But that could be addressed later, now was neither the time nor the place. The game they played was dangerous enough, but tipping off anyone else that he knew her was suicidal. For both of them.

Syfu paused, himself, waiting outside for one of the Officers to alert the Moff to their presence. The Jedi Master might have been accused of being overly polite at times, but his kindness was not to be mistaken for weakness. He was a warrior first, and a diplomat second, only as much a monk as he wished to be on any given day. But Syfu was no longer a General, commanding a squad of Clone Commandos, but a humble Jedi from another time, caught up in the madness that was the New Hope.
Saris eyed the the slim, asymmetrical, onyx table of the imperial conference room. It's lone, head seat narrowed down the opposite end to a point, with chairs lined on both sides. The designed was specific, showing the importance the empire put on the designated leader. That there was no room for challenge, yet it was often welcomed...when appropriate. Saris first starred at the chair to the immediate right of the head.

A seat he occupied in some form or fashion years, the planner, strategic genius, realistic operator...the final word before the final word. It was a role he excelled at. His slight smile however began to fade away at the thoughts of less joyful experiences at the hands of his superiors. The insults, the cowardice witnessed, the waste of resources and overall incompetency of leadership forced onto him, his kinship and the people of the sector.

Looking towards the replaced head seat. Saris remember.

The look on the face of the Grand Moff seated there when the last major battle of the Rebellion and Empire saw the empires superior forces decimated was all he needed. The last straw however immediately followed the termination of the transmission of that battle. The order for all sector forces under the control of the Grand Moff to launch a uncoordinated, ill-advised and flat-out suicide assault on the republic fleet was meet with skeptical looks from all.

The order where barked throughout the room, clear into the hallway as the Grand Moff, angered by the insult, began throwing out unfounded accusations of sedition and mutiny among his Moff's. The last of which was Saris, the man in the room with him. With a clarity that Saris hadn't had before, he knew what the next course of action without a doubt. With the snap of his fingers, the black armored clad guards of the Grand Moff readied their weapons, aiming at the Grand Moff during his live transmission. The action, seen by all Moff's of the Oversector.

The words, still ringing in the room as Saris slowly stood from his seat as the now Grand Moff starred in anger and satisfaction. "As you are too dangrous to keep alive for the rebellion to interrogate and obviously too incompetent to lead us into any future worth that of a imperial. Your leadership...and life, are now hereby claimed by the Empire. Join YOUR emperor Grand Moff." Saris said as the feed was turned to Saris and blaster fire from the troopers erupted in the room.

Saris simply turned to the other Moff's watching him, the mood decidedly different, if not relieved as he simply said a few words.

"I'll be in touch." Before the transmission terminated.

That vision was cut short as Saris was brought back to the moment at hand. Standing just off the to side of the chair he had a man executed in, he turned the seat towards his direction, took the chair and turned back towards the table. His first time in the seat in all honesty since his latest acquisition of ships. The New Republic ambassador was waiting now, just opposite of that door. The room now, cleaned to perfection, oblivious to the death that once occupied it space would be home to a compromise...of sorts.

Saris nodded towards the door as it opened to reveal a Jedi.


" take a seat Jedi."

Saris responded as he starred at him with no emotion present of his face, at-least at the moment.