[ARC-J]To Become a Teacher

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Jul 22, 2013

The Jedi Temple

Council Chambers

As long as any Jedi had known Nimarra Skai, she had not taken a single student under her wing as a permanent Padawan. She had trained hundreds of Jedi in her years on the council, lightsaber forms, force powers, philosophy and tactics. She guided sessions on meditation and directed lessons on history. An accomplished member of the order to be sure, but Master Skai had always kept the idea of teaching a Learner on the backburner.

Today, however, that would change. Nimarra had found two promising pupils that she intended to train. Another, a young Jedi named Elias had also caught her eye. The three of these young Jedi would make up her first set of Padawans. At one time it was tradition to have a single master to a single student, yet the Council had already dispensed with that as the Jedi order grew larger and larger.

"...and I want you to help me..."

Nimarra's crystaline voice rang out as she strode down the halls that lead to the Council chambers. She was walking with a young Jedi Knight who had also caught her eye over the past few months. Aeronwy Jokela had considerable potential, and was already studying under Master Skai to learn the secrets of Force Sight, one of Nimarra's most potent tools.

"Just stand next to me and answer only when asked..."

The sound of her boots striking the ground echoed as they strode down the hall. They weren't late by any means. Only the Grand Master would be there waiting for them, unless she invited other Masters to sit in. Bela had urged Nimarra years before to come see her when she had finally made a decision on who to train as her direct pupil. Nimarra would honor that promise.

"This way."

The doors opened, and they strode in. </div>


<div class='signature'><div align=center>
<a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15852&st=0#entry22029677' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>My Character Guide</a>

Don't Hesistate to ask the staff any questions you have!

Note: The XID, Cain, Senator Hectom, the Noct Ring, and other such fanon creations are products of my imagination and therefore mine.
Aeronwy stood formally, following Nimarra, and merely nodding to everything she said. This would be the first time Aeron would meet the Grand Master, so naturally she was nervous. Aeronwy was wearing her full ceremonial robes, with her hair tied into a tight bun on the back of her head. At her waist her lightsaber glinted in the light. The silver hilt shone brilliantly having just been cleaned and polished.

As Aeronwy followed Nimarra, they reached a door. The door swung open, and Aeronwy followed Nimarra in.

[[Sorry, short, didn't know what else to add]]



<div class='signature'><a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15838&st=0&#last' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Edward "The Shadow" Aisles-Sith Assassin</a>

<img src='http://jedirend.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/redharvest.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

There is no shame in going out fighting and getting your ass kicked, but there is no honor in not fighting at all.</div>
Bela sat organizing paperwork all day. Accompanying her was Master Oogway; a boring man, indeed, but his company was sufficient enough to keep the Lady of the Order going. As a respected Jedi of extensive wisdom, Oogway's presence would serve useful...she hoped.

Any minute now Nimarra and her chosen apprentice would storm inside. She prayed this one was different from the rest; otherwise, what was the point of inconveniencing the woman who made all that the New Jedi Order ensued occur?
The chamber door released; Nimarra and a female youngling bolted in. It was time.
"Welcome, Master Nimarra, youngling. I suppose you have come in regards to your padawan?"


<div class='signature'><img src='http://s19.postimg.org/9oiiofnvn/Duke_Sig.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

<select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Force Powers

<br/><Option value=1> Passive Telepathy - Spreads Insanity

<br/><Option value=1> Active Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Ander] Stronger Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Mezik] Pyrokinesis

</select><select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Weapons

<br/><Option value=1> [Main] Phrik "Puzzle" Staff

Nimarra strode into the council chambers. Normally Bela would meet her elsewhere, but as it was a matter concerning the future of three young Jedi, it was imperative that it be done in the proper ceremonial location. The Jedi Master bowed once as she entered the chamber and acknowledged those present. "Grand Master, Master Oogway, its good to see you both. Are you well?" She asked, a smile on her face.

"This is Jedi Knight Aeronwy Jokela."

She raised a delicate looking hand to gesture to the young Jedi to her right.



<div class='signature'><div align=center>
<a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15852&st=0#entry22029677' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>My Character Guide</a>

Don't Hesistate to ask the staff any questions you have!

Note: The XID, Cain, Senator Hectom, the Noct Ring, and other such fanon creations are products of my imagination and therefore mine.
Aeronwy immediately scanned the room, looking into each corner then looking back to Bela as Nimarra spoke. Aeronwy bowed towards Bela and spoke softly "Grand Master, It's an honor" Aeronwy had never met Bela, but still felt herself slightly idolizing her, just because of the respect she commanded, and the undoubtable power she has in both the Order, and the Galaxy. </div>


<div class='signature'><a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15838&st=0&#last' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Edward "The Shadow" Aisles-Sith Assassin</a>

<img src='http://jedirend.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/redharvest.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

There is no shame in going out fighting and getting your ass kicked, but there is no honor in not fighting at all.</div>
Oogway was in his chair once more with his walking stick resting against the chair. He waited with patience for Nimarra and this padawan to show up almost falling asleep in the progress. Oogway was only halted from sleeping by the introduction from Nimarra.

Oogeway's eyes widened and he nodded to her rather then say anything. Oogway's mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he began to wet his rather dry mouth. I need water, thought Oogway.

Oogway began to wander in his thoughts thinking about all he would have to do in order to get himself some water. </div>


<div class='signature'>PCs: <a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15777' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Oogway</a></div>
The Lady of the Order smirked as both Jedi spewed their respectful greetings. It was clear the trainee knew how to present herself before authority, a characteristic that would serve her well in the future. After moments of glaring and silent concentration upon the apprentice, Bela opened her mouth, "Ah, a Knight of the Order. I am surprised you never visited these parts prior. If you had, I would've remembered you, surely; this lass never forgets a face." She met the woman's eyes with such tension, humility, and grace. Her teal eyes penetrated the fabric of her very being; the Master Jedi could see beyond whatever facade the woman could attempt to mould. She would lay the verdict as to how capable the Jedi was and if the Jedi Knight was worthy of being Master Nimarra's student. Bela's hands folded and her seat hovered four feet high. The feature to hover the Grandmaster's council seat was specifically requested in order for the Grandmaster to maintain decorum in the council chambers when her intervention was due. In addition, each seat was equipped with its own ray shield, in the case of an imminent attack from an outside entity. This modification could only be deactivated from the Grandmaster's seat's control panel. Although any of these features were rarely used, Khess used the transparisteel chair, as in this case, to hover above her company to not merely symbolize her authority, but to get a closer look at her guests as well, to observe their defining features. "Now, my dearest Master Nimarra, what have you to say about this woman whom you wish to bring under your guiding wing?" </div>


<div class='signature'><img src='http://s19.postimg.org/9oiiofnvn/Duke_Sig.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

<select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Force Powers

<br/><Option value=1> Passive Telepathy - Spreads Insanity

<br/><Option value=1> Active Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Ander] Stronger Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Mezik] Pyrokinesis

</select><select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Weapons

<br/><Option value=1> [Main] Phrik "Puzzle" Staff

Nimarra smiled fondly at both the Grand Master and Oogway. She inclined her head and spoke briskly. This wasn't a time for the gentle and elegant Master Skai. Now was time for the brisk, formal and to the point Councilor Skai. She pulled a datapad from her belt and extended it.

"I have carefully recorded my thoughts on the young padawans Lionel, Eden and Elias, though Elias has primarily studied under me, I am now certain that it is time to formally take him under my wing, along with Lionel and Eden. I believe the three of them will be excellent students." she paused, to allow the information to sink in. It was becoming more common for Masters to take two to three students at a time these days, what with the Order growing exponentially.

"As for Knight Jokela, I would like to request permission to mentor her through her studies as a Knight and to allow her to assist me in the training of these three students."



<div class='signature'><div align=center>
<a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15852&st=0#entry22029677' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>My Character Guide</a>

Don't Hesistate to ask the staff any questions you have!

Note: The XID, Cain, Senator Hectom, the Noct Ring, and other such fanon creations are products of my imagination and therefore mine.
"Surely, then, Knight Jokela could take upon herself a padawn of her own? No matter if you are a Knight or a Master, you'll always need mentors. That, however, should not prevent you from seeking a padawan for yourself. A padawan teaches a Jedi responsibility. Loyalty. Trust. Patience. All of these things and more are qualities a Jedi must acquire to fully immerse himself into the light side of the Force." Her eyes narrowed on the Jedi Knight, not bothering to divert their attention to a woman they had become well acquainted with. </div>


<div class='signature'><img src='http://s19.postimg.org/9oiiofnvn/Duke_Sig.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

<select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Force Powers

<br/><Option value=1> Passive Telepathy - Spreads Insanity

<br/><Option value=1> Active Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Ander] Stronger Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Mezik] Pyrokinesis

</select><select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Weapons

<br/><Option value=1> [Main] Phrik "Puzzle" Staff

Aeron looked the Grand Master in the eyes as she next spoke, "I am not accustomed to training others, hence seeking to assist Master Nimarra in the training of Elias, Eden, and Lionel." Aeronwy still spoke respectfully, but stood strong, keeping her back straight, and stance taught. Aeronwy could tell Bela was thinking Aeron should try for a Padawan of her own, but Aeronwy was not personally ready for such a task. </div>


<div class='signature'><a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15838&st=0&#last' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Edward "The Shadow" Aisles-Sith Assassin</a>

<img src='http://jedirend.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/redharvest.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

There is no shame in going out fighting and getting your ass kicked, but there is no honor in not fighting at all.</div>
"Understandable," she empathized. A new graduate, she presumed. "Well then, Master Nimarra, can you handle so many under your instruction? The best of us tend to get overwhelmed. You are an extraordinary tactician and, more importantly, a Councilwoman of the Jedi Order. Focus is critical at this point in time." </div>


<div class='signature'><img src='http://s19.postimg.org/9oiiofnvn/Duke_Sig.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

<select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Force Powers

<br/><Option value=1> Passive Telepathy - Spreads Insanity

<br/><Option value=1> Active Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Ander] Stronger Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Mezik] Pyrokinesis

</select><select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Weapons

<br/><Option value=1> [Main] Phrik "Puzzle" Staff

Nimarra nodded, she understood Bela's concern and the underlying concern that only was sent between the two women. Bela constantly fretted about her 'dear sister' just as Nimarra did the same. Nimarra had taken much upon herself and during a time of growing Galactic Turmoil it may be unfortunately necessary to gain access to her more martial skills. Nimarra had considered this reaction from her.

"Which is why I've elected to take on Knight Jokela. She will act as the offsetting element to the Councils need of my abilities." she responded. </div>


<div class='signature'><div align=center>
<a href='http://z7.invisionfree.com/StarWarsGalaxy/index.php?showtopic=15852&st=0#entry22029677' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>My Character Guide</a>

Don't Hesistate to ask the staff any questions you have!

Note: The XID, Cain, Senator Hectom, the Noct Ring, and other such fanon creations are products of my imagination and therefore mine.
She nodded, then thoroughly observed the Jedi Knight once more. Her eye lashes flickered until they closed, her head tilting back as if to look to the heavens. Bela was meditating. She was delving into the core of her being, seeking out answers that no mortal could provide. In this state, the Force was the only rock she could lean on. Without opening her eyes, she bequeathed, "Master Nimarra, you have my blessing. Knight Jokela, heed my words: many trials and tribulations are inbound. Darkness shall surround you at your most vulnerable moment; you will have to make a decision, a decision of power or of humility. The former sounds intriguing, no? Stay far from it. With this power I speak of, you will only discover greed and a want for dominance. But choose humility...mmm...humility...and you will have more riches than you can ever dream of. Not earthly riches--no--but that which can never be taken away. And those, my dear, are for you to unveil for yourself." Her facial expression remained straight, but she continued speaking in a cheerful manner, "Master and Knight, may the Force be with you." </div>


<div class='signature'><img src='http://s19.postimg.org/9oiiofnvn/Duke_Sig.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

<select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Force Powers

<br/><Option value=1> Passive Telepathy - Spreads Insanity

<br/><Option value=1> Active Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Ander] Stronger Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Mezik] Pyrokinesis

</select><select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Weapons

<br/><Option value=1> [Main] Phrik "Puzzle" Staff

Your Jedi roleplay is either inactive or has been completed and will be moved to the Judicious Jedi archive. If you wish to reopen the topic and continue on with your role-play, please contact a staff member.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Thank You,

~ SW:G Community Team </div>


<div class='signature'><img src='http://s19.postimg.org/9oiiofnvn/Duke_Sig.png' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

<select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Force Powers

<br/><Option value=1> Passive Telepathy - Spreads Insanity

<br/><Option value=1> Active Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Ander] Stronger Telepathy

<br/><Option value=1> [Mezik] Pyrokinesis

</select><select name=stats size=1><br/><Option value=1>Weapons

<br/><Option value=1> [Main] Phrik "Puzzle" Staff
