Completed A Dirty Drink

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Peshk hands the cards to Felix and he makes them disappear into a pocket. Both Felix and Peshk stand.

Felix looks , "Lets get this business out of the way we have other business to conduct off world. If you could make the citation disapear that would be good to." A air of impatience fills Felixe's voice.
Valio's 2.1 meters of height made him tower over even the taller Knight, his movement more resembling a creeping shadow than a person. He offered a slight slooping bow to both Jedi.

Syala had felt a subtle inkling within the force as the gentelman with a cane got to his feet. She observed a soft glow, like a flame towered behind tall wax walls. 'Force sensitive,' she mentally noted, uncertain about such hidden intentions. The bow, however, was a dead give away; an action instilled in every initiate from their earliest training in the temple. The information was not pertinent at this time, and she would forgo any reference to this secret knowledge at this time.

"I apologize to distract during a busy time," Valio said, ever constantly avoiding the use of his own name, "but my fellow cardsharks and I have information valuable to the Order. This is not in exchange for pay. I do, however, think you'll find yourselves amenable to the favor I must ask of you."

The younger Jedi stepped forward, "Surely, you must understand our hesitancy in making any promises, before we have ascertained the true value of this information."

"And the commitment involved with the favor you seek." Syala completed her padawan's words. She felt it best to show a united front, one that would keep them from commitments beyond their ability.

"Lets get this business out of the way we have other business to conduct off world. If you could make the citation disapear that would be good to." A air of impatience fills Felixe's voice.

The older gentleman was a perplexing mystery to Syala. A connection to the force was not required to observe the limited flesh and blood which controlled the complex cybernetic systems which comprised most of his being. His intentions were clearly visible, as the demand in his voice confirmed.

"It is you who is demanding a favor from us," Syala replied, reflecting the strong and mildly brash demeanor of the elder visitor. Returning to a calm and collected center, she finished her statement, "I feel it is only fair, we honor the request in our time frame."

Padawan Desal directed the crew back towards the entrance of the Enclave, "Please, show us what concerns you all so greatly."
Padawan Desal directed the crew back towards the entrance of the Enclave, "Please, show us what concerns you all so greatly."

With a scowl starting across his face he pulls a comm out, "Asyr were on our way back with a couple of Jedi." He put the comlink away as he steps out of the enclave and into the fields heading toward the Piercer. Felix's eyes pick movement up in the distance a small herd of Iriaz grazing quietly.

Approaching the ship he opens the door at the top of the ramp into the cargo hold, Asyr is standing there a scowl deeply lining her soft Bothan features her fur openly rippling across the exposed arms of her pushed up dark gray jumpsuit. "Felix why are they on board, they're not paying for it." Anger rolling off her and through her voice directed at the Jedi.

"Valio has paid from them to be here. That's why." Felix responds pointedly to her while motioning Valio and the other Jedi forward directing them to the ladder into the crew quarters and galley. "Why don't you go for a walk Asyr." A sort of commanding softness to his voice that made it clear it wasn't really a suggestion but that he felt for her.
As the two Jedi took lead of a procession from the Enclave, Valio embellished the rhytmic tapping of his cane.

Past the exit of the Enclave the Piercer was nearby within sight, surrounded by some maintenance droids and a couple clone mechanics, who seemed to be arguing about how someone let such a ship just drop in so casually.

"Quite a many things concerns me, master Jedi," he said, playing up the deference, speaking along to the cadence of his walking aide as they moved from Enclave to plain and closer to the Piercer, "but we've ascertained proof that an outcast Hutt named Fiujirr was kidnapping force sensitive children in the Outer Rim - namely around Nal Hutta and Nar Shadddaa but not limited to there,"

Valio looked ahead toward the grumy marching Peshk and Felix, adding, "Word on the street has it that Fiujirr is working with Separatists, though I'm of the belief Fiujirr has his own plans for them."

As Felix brought down a ramp to the cargo hold, navigating the angry Asyr with a calmness Valio hadn't come to expect from the robo-pirate, he showed the Jedi toward the room the children had claimed for themselves.

"They fell asleep as soon as we hit hyperspace, otherwise we would have brought them with us," Valio said, opening the door to reveal the still-sleeping bodies lined in the two bunk-beds, on opposite sides of the room. Valio called out, "OK, nap's over we gotta get you up!"

The bodies stirred from their sleep, groggy, confused, but exuding force energy.
"Quite a many things concerns me, master Jedi," he said, playing up the deference, speaking along to the cadence of his walking aide as they moved from Enclave to plain and closer to the Piercer, "but we've ascertained proof that an outcast Hutt named Fiujirr was kidnapping force sensitive children in the Outer Rim - namely around Nal Hutta and Nar Shadddaa but not limited to there,"
Syala remained quiet, listening carefully to any information the force sensitive trader had to share. "This is, indeed, troubling news you bring with you."
Valio looked ahead toward the grumy marching Peshk and Felix, adding, "Word on the street has it that Fiujirr is working with Separatists, though I'm of the belief Fiujirr has his own plans for them."

"Force sensitive warriors, bred from childhood, could certainly prove useful tools for a Hutt bent on control of the Cartels." Syala could only begin to hypothesis the number of atrocities one Hutt could commit with rogue force sensitives. Another thought regarding the training of these children crossed her mind, but would have to wait.

As Felix brought down a ramp to the cargo hold, navigating the angry Asyr with a calmness Valio hadn't come to expect from the robo-pirate, he showed the Jedi toward the room the children had claimed for themselves.

"They fell asleep as soon as we hit hyperspace, otherwise we would have brought them with us," Valio said, opening the door to reveal the still-sleeping bodies lined in the two bunk-beds, on opposite sides of the room. Valio called out, "OK, nap's over we gotta get you up!"

The bodies stirred from their sleep, groggy, confused, but exuding force energy.

Amara remained several steps ahead of her master, out of ears range of their conversation. She was moved with compassion as the force sensitive children were revealed. She rushed on to the vessel to assist the children in anyway she could. "It's alright," she soothingly greed them from their slumber, "We have food and warm beds for you all here. Follow me."

Syala watched in terror at the thought of more force sensitive children being smuggled to the Hutts, and even more sinister players of the Confederacy. "I do not speak for the Council, but I do express sincere gratitude on behalf of my brothers and sisters in the Order. You have done these children a great service in bringing them here." Syala observed the children enter the Enclave, trailing Padawan Desal. "Only one question remains. Who have the Hutts employed to teach these children the ways of the force?"
Valio watched the padawan, Amara, attend to the children and wondered where that sort of parental instinct lie inside him. He pitied the kids and brought them to the Jedi for their well-being, but he didn't have that tendency to tend to the minor needs. After they picked the kids up and Valio saw they could care for themselves, he left them to their devices.

"I haven't been able to get that far," Valio answered Syara, sighing, "but I think they're the one convincing the Hutt he can take on the Council. Maybe they're emboldened to branch off from the CIS after Dooku's death and Palpatine's capture."

He shrugged, "I apologize but my information and conjecture ends there. When I return to Nar Shaddaa I'll keep investigating the mercenaries Fiujirr has searching for more kids. I just pray the Order can find the means to devote resources to this, in spite of the war. I can only do so much."

Turning to face Felix, and back to the Jedi he said, "I do apologize, but I promised my friends payment, which I can't attend to until we return to Nar Shaddaa. We must be off soon."
"I apologize but my information and conjecture ends there. When I return to Nar Shaddaa I'll keep investigating the mercenaries Fiujirr has searching for more kids. I just pray the Order can find the means to devote resources to this, in spite of the war. I can only do so much."
Syala nodded in agreement, "There is so much that demands our attention in these present days. Amara and I will be returning to Coruscant within the next few hours. I will share this information with the Council."
Turning to face Felix, and back to the Jedi he said, "I do apologize, but I promised my friends payment, which I can't attend to until we return to Nar Shaddaa. We must be off soon."
"I cannot promise any official response based upon your information," she signed with heavy disdain, "but I can offer my support and that of my Padawan; you're sisters will have your back in this endeavor." Syala was hesitant reveal his identity outright, if it had not already been shared. However, she was intentional with her word choice, firmly believing 'once a Jedi, always a Jedi.' Even those who consumed by their inner passions and embraced by the dark side were never lost; a point that others in the order did not often share.

"May the Force be with you. You're debt has been paid."
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Valio bid the two Jedi farewell, letting each kid stop by and offer him a thank you hug before leaving the Piercer with Syala and Amara. Part of him felt sorrowful, knowing that he might never see those kids again. But it wasn't his job to get attached to them. It was his job to track down and find more like them, wherever they were.

"Felix, Peshk, Asye," he called out, "I'm ready to leave whenever you are."

He held onto the feeling of the Jedi's force presences as long as he could, until they were too far away to discern between person and blade of grass. When they were gone from him, Valio stood still in the room, clutching his cane, waiting feel the jump to hyperspace.
Amara thoroughly enjoyed building relationships, especially with new arrivals, most especially the younglings. She fancied herself and older sister and mentor. She understood, from personal experience, the anxiety and fear that was involved in leaving one's family for the Jedi. Although a warm and welcoming experience, the process of adjusting took time and effort; an experienced that relied greatly on personality type. Amara had been shy and somewhat aloof in the early days at the Enclave and wanted nothing more than to reduce that awkward time for new students. She wanted them to experience the comradery, compassion, love, and support, she experienced a little later in her own career as an initiate. She was especially concerned about these children, as she could only imagine what they had experienced with the Hutts.

Amara ushered the children into the kitchen, concerned about their base needs for sustenance and sleep, "Whose hungry?" she asked, feeling rather ashamed of the question. The children appeared emaciated, little more than skin and bones. "There are baskets of fruits and vegetables, feel free to take what you want."

One of the children scanned the table, eyes wide open, as if it was the first buffet he had ever encountered. "You mean...we can just have anything?" The child's voice quivered as if he was about to cry.

"Yes," she nodded with a warming smile. "I will have the student's pull out some juice and leftover desserts, just ask them if you need anything."

Amara felt the need to check in with her Mentor. These children were certainly harbingers of distressing news. She paused and took pity on the children, observing their behavior with one another. She was moved with compassion as she saw the children sharing humble pickings. 'It appears the hutts started their Jedi training early,' she mused to herself. As she watched from a distance, Syala's compassionate presence stirred behind her. The warm and familiar hand was consoling on Amara's shoulder.

"It would appear Master Tartanis was correct." Syala voiced moved by the fraternity that he been developed by the children.

"Solidarity is the sublime reward in facing the darkness together." Amara chortled in recognition that both she and her mentor had voiced the mantra in unison. A testament to their own relationship and tutelage from a mentor both held in high regard.

Syala patted her mentee on the shoulder, "Come we must inform the Masters of the Enclave. They must make their picks before we depart for Coruscant. The remaining students will journey with us."
Asyr came aboard again almost as soon as the Jedi had left the ship with the younglings and made her way to her cabin disapearing.

Peshk busied himself in the galley preparing a meal for the crew.
I wish she would lighten up a little about the Jedi he thought to himself well cutting up some tubers. Hmm I wonder if Valio will end up sticking around.

Felix settles him in the galley looking to Valio as Gratz jumps them to lightspeed. "Valio, if you have used up all your credits whats your plan to finish paying us let alone 'save' more of these children?" Felix asks, his tone dripping with suggestion. "This Hutt will not be well liked, let me see if I can't get us paid by the council to deal with him."
"The only money I will take from the Hutt Council is money I have taken from them," Valio shot back to Felix with a grin that betrayed the dark side of the ex-Jedi, "If you think I got your payment doing honest work, I must remind you that I live on Nar Shaddaa as well."

He shrugged as if it mattered so little to him he couldn't bother to elaborate, "Your money for this job is secured back on my ship on Nar Shaddaa. Ask more questions if you wish to implicate yourself further. Otherwise, ignorance can be a beautiful thing."
Without response Felix leaves the galley and heads to his cabin as the Piercer jumps to lightspeed.

Peshk shakes his head at the two of them. This galaxy is crazy. People try to offer a hand and yet they just slap each other for it. He starts humming to him self as he keeps chopping and preparing food.

Should Valio stay in the galley. Peshk would say to him. "Ya know he was offering to help you. He is to proud to say it and he is responsible for keeping the ship flying and all of us paid." Sighing he would stop chopping and turn to him leaning against the durasteel counter. "I know for me it was at least nice to do some good, and get paid to do it."

With the low soft vibration and hum running through the deck Gratz came wondering in to the galley. Not catching Valio and Peshks conversation if Valio had stayed. Clearly not caring what they were discussing he would pull up a chair and seat him self at the table a utilitarian thing bolted to the deck. "So Peshk whats for diner? I'm starving!"

"Oh you know Gratz a little of this a little of that nothing to special." Peshks voice betray the slightest irritation that the Sullesten never helped with meals or clean up. Not that your going to help anyway. How did your mother not teach you to cook or clean up after your self.
"I'm aware of what he was offering and I need you to understand your Captain is better than most," Valio told Peshk, sticking around in the galley, "but in spite of his intentions I won't align myself with any Hutt but a repentant Hutt."

He stood, leaning on his cane with both hands as he spoke again to Peshk, who he'd grown to like in their short time together, "I'm glad some of the crew felt good was done. In spite of how any of us feel about the Order, it was a better place for those kids to learn their gift than some Hutt's luxury yacht or desert palace. Trust me, if the crew wants more of the same work, it will be there in the future."

Withstanding the sudden bombardment of Gratz and his greedy stomach, Valio waited for a pause in their banter before he excused himself, "I respect the Captain's need to maintain a good relationship with the Hutt Council. I'm not tethered to the same chain, Peshk. And the further I keep all of you from my loop of information, the less likely it is the Council catches on that you've worked for me. Even if this job helps them now, I've done plenty to harm them in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. And with that I've said too much. I'm going to find a bed, gentlemen. Enjoy your meal."

Guiding himself in a force-led meditation, Valio tapped his cane along the ship corridors, which he felt he knew in spite of a short time spent in it. Finding the nearest empty cabin, Valio dropped suddenly to his knees in a more intense meditation, his cane clattering to the floor as if completely forgotten about. He couldn't hear the sound of its echo.
The rest of the flight was uneventful.

Gratz brought the Piercer in to almost the same docking position they had left a couple of days earlier.

Felix rapped on Valio's door. "Hurry up cripple, I want my pay, ill be in the same bar you found me in before."

With that Felix left the ship.
It was a quick jaunt, between the Piercer and his own ship. Of course, Valio considered just flying off. But even he couldn't do something quite as dramatic as that.

He grabbed the money from a hidden point under the metal floorboards, stuffed it in a pocket and made his way to the Shy Mynock once more.

The bartender now was someone he couldn't name, and that unsettled the ex-Jedi a bit, but he ignored the Chiss man and found Felix at the same booth in which they'd met.

Tossing the money on the table, Valio said, "The rest of the payment and the bonus as promised - they're all together though so you'll have to separate Hutt from Republic cred."

With that, Valio leaned on his cane and moved to exit the bar.
Felix snatches up the bag of credits and watches Valio leave the bar.