Approved - Sith Confederacy Aden Malvern

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Sith Confederacy
Apr 14, 2023

Aden Malvern

Basic Information

Character Name: Aden Malvern

--Aliases: None

Homeworld: Serenno

Species: Human

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sith Cinfederacy
-- Rank/position/title:
Sith Acolyte
Marquise of House Malvern

Personality, appearance and history



Personality traits:

+/-Single Mindedness: He can focus on task in hand, and excluded everything and anything else. This can lead to problems, as if while concentrating on task in hand, if something new crops up, he can lose his focus, and he finds it difficult to refocus, as part worried something else might crop up.

-Elitists: Aden believes unless your well educated, noble or a force user, then your opinion is worthless. So he will dismiss ideas, even good ideas from people he considers beneath him.

+Eductated: Aden has good grasp of general knowledge, and especially history, so he can hold his own on most conversations.

+Commander: He is good at commanding a battle, and rallying the troops, and trying to figure a battle strategy.

-Sore Loser: He hates to lose, no matter what it is, and looks for ways to blame others.

History: Aden was born on Serenno, into house Malvern, one the great houses of Serenno. This meant he was going to have a privileged upbringing. He was not born to rule however, he was the third son to his mother and father, and his father's brother was Orom Malvern, who was set to inherit the family title as count. He was going to learn to make his own way in the world, as he was set to inherit nothing, but a name and a minor title. So when he could his father started teaching him, to play board games, strategy ones, to help teach how to plan, execute a battle plan. As he got older, he was taught to fight, with a sword, as well as Echani martial arts and shoot a hunting carbine. This was to help build up a martial prowess, these were done with personal tutor called Dros Luss, a female Echani.

After reaching the age twelfth birthday, he was enrolled into the Serenno military academy. He was to be taught to become an officer in the Serenno Navy, this was normal for someone his ilk. As the Noble House of Serenno, wanted a loyal officer class, and who would be more loyal than a family member. Here he was taught all aspects of command, how a ship works, and to fly a stunt fighter. This as well history of his people, and a good general knowledge background, so he and his peers, had good grasp of lots of different subjects. They also went on exercise with other cadet groups, and acted as the officer core, this could be games laser tag, or leading a scouting expedition. As he and his other classmates, where being groomed to lead soldiers into battle, in different environments. This could be landing parties, boarding ships, or flying a squadron into battle, and once they even took part in military exercise onboard a Munificent-Class Star Frigate. The thing he noticed was how many droids they used, rather than actual people. He realised during his schooling, he was a bit faster than others, and just a little bit better than his classmates.

As he graduated, top of class, war broke out The Republic and their Jedi had struck out and attacked one great house, whilst negotiating a trade deal. He was immediately given a commision as an Ensign in the CIS Navy, and was put to work on a Munificent-Class Star Frigate called Saffia. The ship was named after a city on Serenno, and he was part of command crew on the command deck. His main duties was in command of a squadron of vulture droids, but he did do other tasks as well. His first battle came soon enough at Christophsis, he was here to create a blockade, stop the republic gain war materials from the planet. The republic did much damage to the fleet, but ultimately failed to stop the blockade. He continued at this planet for many months, stopping shiping getting in or out, though occasionally something slip by.

Eventually he was rotated out, and he returned to Serenno for some R&R. He spent a lot the time with his family, but was eager to return, and help the CIS win this war. Though he know knew why they relied on droids, they do not tire, or miss home, he wished more people had that quality, it would help win the war sooner. He was back on ship, with a promotion to Lieutenant, he was now in charge of battle droids. The Saffia was sent to Rishi Moon, under the command of General Grievous, he took part in the initial battle. He took on clones forces, in a rapid assault, with his droids, they soon took the base. However during this fight, he got into hand to hand combat with a few clones. They were killed all but one of them, the one he didn't kill managed to shoot him in the back, whilst he put a knife through one clones throats. His droids finished the task, and the rest of clones went into hiding. He however was shipped of for medical treatment, he was left with a scar on his left shoulder. The doctors during his treatment, found out he had a high concentration Midi-chlorians, and could possibly be taught to use the force.

He was during his medical treatment given new tasks to do, and some training in the force. He was put under the tutelage of Dark Acolyte called Tol Skorr, Tol Skorr taught him how to use the force. He soon recovered his wounds, and was disappointed to see the moon had been retaken, by the 501 legion. His navy days where now over, and he had a new assignment, as one of Dark Acolytes. His new duty to CIS, was to hunt and kill jedi in field of battle. He was given this assignment, due to his knowledge of command, and battlefield tactics. This gave him an edge, as knew where the Jedi should be, and his early training in fencing with a sword held him good stead in his new role. He knew his duties would not sit comfortable with his family, as he knew sith where in charge of the CIS. He also knew history Count Dooku, his father rejected him, as he was force user. This played on Aden mind a bit, as liked his family, would they reject him too, he wonder. So he lied about it, and made a cover story of leading battle droids, into the fray.

He soon was deployed, his target a Jedi, who was with the 205 legion, it was strike force. The name of Jedi was never important to him, as he did not want to know them personally, he just wanted to do his duty. He spent a week, learning how the clone troopers took patrols, where the command post was, and where the Jedi slept. He solely focused on one task, kill the Jedi. Once he worked out his plan, he executed it. He waited for the night patrol, to go out, then struck it down, as it was farthest from the camp. He killed all five clones, he was puzzled, why did they feel pain, as cried out in pain in the middle of night. He then took armour from them, and ran back to camp. He said Droids had ambushed them, he managed to escape, he was quickly brought in front of a woman, wearing a brown robe. The woman looked at him puzzled for a moment, and then he fell forward, to get closer to her. As he did, he ignited the lightsaber into her chest, killing her instantly. The clone fired on him, but now with the force on his side, he took them down too, and made his escape.

The rest war, he was on different planets, all with same task, find kill Jedi and repeat. This continued till that fateful day above Coruscant, his hero Count Dooku was killed, people CIS were dealt a heavy blow, and General Grievous was now in charge. As such his order changed, and was called to Mustafar, a world covered in lavra, his duty make sure the droid production doesn't stop. This job was bored him, but it did give him time to train. Then out no where, events that he had no control over, spiralled. The Republic discovered that the Chancellor was a Sith Lord, the CIS was strong but disarray. Aden was summoned to Jabiim to meet with the rest of leadership of CIS. The plan became simple, they where to reorganise into Sith Confederacy, unfortunately Serenno did not follow, and other worlds left too. He was to continue his training on Jabiim, as war continued with new republic. He hoped to go back to front lines soon.

The Force

Force Sensitive: Yes

Lightsaber form: Form II/ Makashi Expert

Force Powers:

Core Powers

  • Mind Trick Leaner
  • Telekinesis Push/Pull Practitioner
  • Force Body Leaner
Universal Powers

    • Force Barrier Learner

Dark Side Powers
    • Fear (Darkside) Learner
    • Choke (Darkside) Learner



  • Lightsaber Red Blade, with a curved handle
  • Robes, made from Armour Weave, black, with a hood, and face mask
  • ComLink
  • Data Pad
  • Serenno Naval Uniform
  • Black Cloak with White Fur Trim

Personal ship:
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